Upload Shipping Report Data File

1.  The File Transfer browser window will appear.   Click the Browse button to locate the upload file from your computer.

2.  The Choose file window will appear.  Select the appropriate file to upload.


Note: The file selected must be comma separated and must have a .txt suffix. See below for specific file format.


3.  Click the Open button.

4.  The Submit File Transfer browser window will again appear.  The File Type field will show the full path of the file that is to be uploaded.

5.  Click the I Agree checkbox option to agree to the terms and conditions of filing the Shipping Report(s).

6.  Click the Submit button.

7.  A confirmation message will appear indicating the File ID number.   The File ID should be recorded for reference purposes.

8.  DORIIS will send you an email with general feedback about the upload.  Check this email to see if the file was processed successfully, or rejected due to error.

9.  To upload another file, click the Browse button to select the upload file from your computer.  To return to the DORIIS Home Page, click the Cancel button or click the Logout link to logout of the system.


Shipping Report File Transfer Format

The file transfer .txt file should have one line of text for each Shipping Report being reported.  A cover shipping report will have two lines of text in addition to the separate lines for each attached shipping report.

Each line in the file must include the following fields in this order:

Shipper Account Number,

Receiver Account Number,

Material type code (AL1, GLM, PL1, PL2, PL3, PL4, PL5, PL6, PL7, WDSBBP, BM1, AL1-RVM, GLM-RVM, or PL1-RVM),

R&L From Date,

R&L Thru Date,

Qip Flag (S/R/blank),

Segregated Weight (null),

Commingled Weight (null),

Count < 24 (null),

Count > 24 (null),

25 Cent Count (null),

Total Attached Weight (one decimal place and no commas),

Shipped Refund Value (two decimal places and no commas),

Shipper Sign (Y/N),

Received Date (MM/DD/YYYY),

Received Weight (one decimal place and no commas),

Weight Ticket,

Shrinkage Percent (E.g. “5” for 5%),

Receiver Sign (Y/N),


Attached To FSN

Example of proper formatting to file three shipping reports for January 2018:




Example of proper formatting to file a cover shipping report with two attachments for January 2018:



