Currently, there are two operating landfills and eight transfer stations in the Fresno RMDZ. Two interstate railroads, Union Pacific and the BNSF Railway, provide excellent freight transportation. The San Joaquin Valley Railroad (SJVR) operated by Genesee and Wyoming Inc. have available short line spur track that intersect with both railroads in Fresno. SJVR connects the cities of Firebaugh, Fowler, Huron, Kerman, Kingsburg, Mendota, Reedley, San Joaquin, Sanger and Selma with Fresno. In addition, passenger rail service is available with Amtrak San Joaquin’s service of 7 daily trains. Both the United Parcel Service (UPS) and Federal Express (FedEx) have hubs located in Fresno that allows all major population areas in California to be serviced with one-day delivery. Passenger and freight air service are available through the Fresno Yosemite International Airport located in Fresno. State Highway 99 and Interstate 5 are two major north-south road connections from Los Angeles to Sacramento and San Francisco. State Highway 41 is another major north-south road connection from the Central California Coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
The Fresno County RMDZ works directly with the Fresno County Economic Development Corporation (EDC). Resources for the EDC can be found at: The cities of Fowler, Parlier, Reedley, Sanger, and Selma have formed a joint powers authority, the Five Cities Economic Development Authority on the east side of Fresno County. The purpose of the authority is to work collaboratively and cooperatively to expand each city's local economy through job creation and economic development, incorporating essential agencies. By pooling these resources, there are more opportunities for development with a variety of industrial sites and land available.