Recycling Market Development Zone

Placer County

The Placer County Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ) is located on the northeast side of the State of California. The zone encompasses the unincorporated areas of Placer County, including North Lake Tahoe, as well as the incorporated cities of Auburn, Colfax, Lincoln, Rocklin, Roseville and the town of Loomis. The zone overlays all industrially-zoned land in Placer County comprising approximately 10 million square feet. Of this 10 million, 1.7 million is vacant and suited for secondary material business enterprises.


The zone offers an incentive package that includes commercial fee estimates, expedited permit assistance, international trade assistance, and access to a diversely skilled workforce. Other financing programs will be made available to the businesses such as revolving loan funds, redevelopment project areas, Community Development Block Grants, and commercial loan programs offered by coapplicant cities.

Target Materials

Materials identified to provide businesses with continuous feedstock include newsprint, wallboard, mixed paper, drywall, wood, and plastic.


The zone has excellent access opportunities for rail, highway, and air transport. Direct access to Interstate 80 provides connections to points east over the Sierra to New York and west to the San Francisco Bay Area. Southern California and Oregon is provided by Interstate 5. State Route 65 provides easy access through the zone. There are approximately 20 recycling/certified redemption centers. A materials recovery facility (MRF) is located in the western portion of the county with a MRF/transfer station in the eastern county. There are also five private recycling centers.


Daniella Stepek

Economic Development Specialist
174 Fulweiler Avenue
Auburn, CA 95603
Phone: (530) 889-4098
County: Placer
CalRecycle Contact: Risha Karnawat


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Place NamePlace ClassIn Zone

Recycling Market Development Zone Program:
Zone Assistance: Regional Zone Contacts or, (916) 341-6199