Recycling: The Central Coast has a well-established recycling system to serve your feedstock needs. Each city and county within the zone has its own landfill, and /or transfer station and material recovery facility with curbside and commercial recycling. A substantial network of drop-off and buy-back recycling centers provide efficient zone coverage.
Research & Development (R&D): The Counties of Monterey, San Luis Obispo and Santa Cruz each house a State College or University which can provide R&D services at low or no cost.
Transportation: U.S. Highway 101 traverses the zone from north to south. Santa Cruz County and Watsonville are served by State Highways 1, 17, and 129; the latter two connect to Highway 101. Monterey County is served by State Highways 1, 68, and 156, the latter two connecting to Highway 101. San Benito County and Hollister connect to Highway 101 via State Highways 156 and 152. San Luis Obispo County is served by State Highways 1, 46, and 58, all connecting to Highway 101.
Regional airports, providing freight service, are located within each of the four counties. Southern Pacific rail lines serve all four counties and the two cities. Existing sewer and water service is available within each jurisdiction’s industrial areas.
For further local Central Coast RMDZ information, see