Contract Detail

Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Engineering & Technical Assistance (DRR18125)


CalRecycle has awarded the contract to Interwest Consulting Group, Inc.

The purpose of this Contract is twofold: 1) Continue support of CalRecycle`s rubberized asphalt concrete (RAC) grant programs via RAC technology transfer and technical assistance to local governments; and 2) Support CalRecycle`s non-grant RAC initiatives, including technical investigations, local government technical assistance, and the RAC Cooperative Purchasing Program effort. Through this Contract, CalRecycle will hire an engineering consultant with expertise in RAC processes and construction who shall provide training, technology transfer and technical assistance to local government agencies who want to increase their knowledge and use of RAC. The engineering consultant shall also provide project and process coordination for the RAC Cooperative Purchase Program.

Advertisement Date: April 10, 2019

Submittal Due Date: May 7, 2019

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