Contract Detail

2020 Disposal-Based Waste Characterization Study (DRR19034)



Addendum 1, DRR19034 Addendum 1, (107 KB, Word Document) was released October 22, 2019

This Contract is for waste characterization research. The research consists of three parts to be conducted concurrently: Part 1. A comprehensive statewide Disposal Facility-Based Waste Characterization Study to determine the statewide waste disposal composition; Part 2. A Multi-Family Generator-Based Waste Characterization Study to determine the disposed waste composition and disposal rate for multi-family residences; and Part 3. A Contamination Analysis of Specific Materials collected for Part 1 to assess the impact on sampling results of moisture absorbed by paper and of content residues remaining in and on rigid containers.

Advertisement Date: September 30, 2019

Submittal Due Date: November 8, 2019

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