Contract Detail

Bonzi Sanitary Landfill Closure Engineering Services (DRR19073)


RFQ award was based on the most qualified firm that could provide services as described in the scope of work, which was Geo-Logic Associates, Inc.


Addendum 1, DRR19073 Addendum 1, (39 KB, Word Document) was released March 30, 2020

Addendum 2, DRR19073 Addendum 2, (44 KB, Word Document) was released April 6, 2020

Addendum 3, DRR19073 Addendum 3, (47 KB, PDF Document) was released April 16, 2020

Addendum 4, DRR19073 Addendum No. 4, (26 KB, PDF Document) was released April 20, 2020

CalRecycle is seeking professional engineering and environmental consulting services to prepare documents and provide professional services in support of the closure of the Bonzi Sanitary Landfill in Modesto, California. The Bonzi Trust, as the owner and operator of the Bonzi Sanitary Landfill has limited funding to support the closure activities. Therefore, CalRecycle, supported by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), will facilitate closure activities of the landfill. Anticipated tasks to be performed under this contract include environmental review, permitting, design, Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) services, and Project Management (PM) and Construction Management (CM) services.

Advertisement Date: March 12, 2020

Submittal Due Date: April 22, 2020

Note about downloading documents below:

Documents available for download from this site are most often in PDF, Excel, or Word formats. Free viewers are available from your respective platform’s App Store.

  • Request For Qualifications, RFQ for Bonzi Sanitary Landfill Closure Engineering Services DRR19073, 227 KB, Word Document
  • Miscellaneous 1, Bonzi Landfill Final Closure and Post-Closure Maintenance Plan (FCPCMP) , 23184 KB, PDF Document