Contract Detail

RFP - 2020 Commercial Generator-Based Edible Food Waste Characterization Study (DRR19080)


Awarded to Tetra Tech


Addendum 1, Addendum 1 to RFP DRR19080 2020 Commercial Generator-Based Edible Food Waste Characterization Study , (118 KB, Word Document) was released March 20, 2020

Addendum 2, Addendum 2 for RFP DRR19080 Generator-based WCS, (51 KB, Word Document) was released April 14, 2020

Addendum 3, Addendum 3 for 2020 Commercial Generator-Based Edible Food Waste Characterization Study, (52 KB, Word Document) was released April 17, 2020

This Contract is to conduct a comprehensive statewide Commercial Generator-Based Edible Food Waste Characterization Study to gather accurate, representative data to measure edible food discarded in California. The study will help track progress toward established targets set forth by Senate Bill (SB) 1383 (Lara, Chapter 395, Statutes of 2016), to achieve reductions in the level of the statewide disposal of organic waste, with special requirements for edible food waste reduction.

Advertisement Date: March 2, 2020

Submittal Due Date: April 3, 2020

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