Contract Detail

2021 Processing Fee and Handling Fee Cost Surveys (DRR20035)


The contract has been awarded to Crowe LLP.


Addendum 1, RFP DRR20035 2021 Processing Fee and Handling Fee Cost Surveys Addendum #1, (43 KB, Word Document) was released November 20, 2020

Addendum 2, Addendum #2 for RFP DRR20035 2021 Processing Fee and Handling Fee Cost Surveys, (39 KB, Word Document) was released November 23, 2020

Addendum 3, Addendum #3 for RFP DRR20035 2021 Processing Fee and Handling Fee Cost Surveys, (29 KB, PDF Document) was released December 16, 2020

Addendum 4, RFP DRR20035 2021 Processing Fee and Handling Fee Cost Surveys, (29 KB, PDF Document) was released December 21, 2020

Addendum 5, Addendum No. 5 To the Request for Proposal for DRR20035, (30 KB, PDF Document) was released December 21, 2020

This Contract (DRR20035) requires the Contractor to provide to CalRecycle technical services in conducting an economic study to determine the statewide weighted (by volume redeemed) average actual costs to recycle for certified recycling centers. IMPORTANT: Reference our CalRecycle website at for further information and future addenda postings.

Advertisement Date: October 30, 2020

Submittal Due Date: December 10, 2020

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