Contract Detail

Environmental and Laboratory Services for CIA Program (DRR20080)


CalRecycle has awarded to Ninyo and Moore.


Addendum 1, RFQ DRR20080 Addendum 1, (56 KB, Word Document) was released May 11, 2021

CalRecycle is seeking a Contractor to investigate and inspect closed, illegal, and abandoned (CIA) solid waste disposal sites and to provide guidance and assistance to Local Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) regarding the inspection, investigation, enforcement, and remediation of CIA disposal sites to ensure that public health and safety and the environment are protected. The objective of this Contract is to provide technical support to LEAs to inspect, investigate, and take necessary enforcement actions to achieve or maintain compliance with State minimum standards at CIA disposal sites.

Advertisement Date: May 3, 2021

Submittal Due Date: May 14, 2021

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