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SB 54 Needs Assessment: Consumer Education and Access (DRR24065)
This is a Request for Proposal, Primary (RFP(P)). The purpose of the Contract is to gather data to aid in the implementation of the Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act [Senate Bill (SB) 54 (Allen, Chapter 75, Statutes of 2022)], which established a new extended producer responsibility (EPR) program to manage covered materials (i.e., single-use packaging and single-use plastic food service ware) in California. The data collected as part of this Contract shall be used by CalRecycle to contribute to the statewide needs assessment (PRC § 42067).
To administer two separate surveys developed by CalRecycle to a representative sample of the California adult population (i.e., 18 years and older) to assess California residents: (Survey 1) perceived access to waste collection services, waste sorting behaviors, and knowledge of and participation in recycling (including green waste/organics recycling, or composting) and (Survey 2) participation in and knowledge of source reduction activities.
Prepare and provide the collected survey response data and preliminary data analysis to CalRecycle in a format that aligns with the data management methods.
Prepare and provide a final report detailing the findings of the surveys, including a detailed analysis of trends seen in the survey responses.
IMPORTANT: Reference our CalRecycle website at www.calrecycle.ca.gov/Contracts for further information.
Advertisement Date:
March 20, 2025
Submittal Due Date:
April 17, 2025
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Request For Proposal,
DRR24065 SB 54 Needs Assessment: Consumer Education and Access,
43 KB,
Word Document
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