Jurisdiction Review Reports


       Jurisdiction Disposal Tonnage Trend (Select Jurisdiction and Start/End Years)
      • This report is a graphical representation of a jurisdiction’s total disposal measured over time. The graph compares, by Report Year, the disposal tonnage as reported in the Disposal Reporting System (DRS) labeled Default (DRS), to the disposal tonnage reviewed by LAMD Staff (labeled Staff Reviewed) in the jurisdiction’s Annual Report. The data is also displayed in tabular form.

       Jurisdiction Per Capita Disposal Trends (Select Jurisdiction and Start/End Years)
      • This report provides graphical representation of a jurisdiction’s Per Capita Disposal Rate measured over time. Per Capita Disposal Rates based on both population and employment, as computed in the jurisdiction’s Annual Report, are compared to the assigned Target Per Capita Disposal Rates for the jurisdiction. The annual data is also presented in tabular form.

       Jurisdiction Per Capita Disposal Rate Trends (Post 2006) (Select Jurisdiction)
      • This report provides graphical representation of a jurisdiction’s Per Capita Disposal Rate measured over time. Per Capita Disposal Rates based on both population and employment, as computed in the jurisdiction’s Annual Report, are compared to the assigned Target Per Capita Disposal Rates for the jurisdiction. The annual data is also presented in tabular form.

       Jurisdiction Diversion Rate Trends (1995-2006) (Select Jurisdiction)
      • This report is a graphical representation of a jurisdiction’s diversion rate percentage. The graph compares, by Report Year, the diversion rate as computed in the jurisdiction's Annual Report. The data is also displayed in tabular form.

       Jurisdiction Diversion Program Status Summary (Select Jurisdiction)
      • This report provides a history of a jurisdiction’s diversion program implementation. For each Report Year, it displays the number of programs in place, as well as the number that were added, dropped, or planned for the future.

      Other Jurisdiction Review Reports
      Countywide, Regionwide and Statewide Jurisdiction Diversion/Disposal Rate Report
      • This report provides both summary and detailed information on biennial review status, Jurisdiction Reveiw status, diversion rates, disposal rates, and waste diversion program implementation for all California jurisdictions.

      Jurisdiction Diversion/Disposal Rate Summary
      • Provides both summary and detailed information from 1995 to the present on a jurisdiction’s Board/Jurisdiction status, per capita disposal/diversion rates, and waste diversion program implementation.