Jurisdiction Diversion/Disposal Rate Summary

(2007 - Current)

Advisory! The per capita disposal rate is a jurisdiction-specific index and cannot be compared between jurisdictions. The per capita disposal rate is used as one of several "factors" in determining a jurisdiction's compliance with the intent of AB 939, and allows the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) and jurisdictions to set their primary focus on successful implementation of diversion programs. Meeting the disposal rate targets is not necessarily an indication of compliance.

Please Note! This online database contains some disposal rates calculated with data as submitted by the jurisdiction. This data is subject to change during the formal Jurisdiction Review process or when a jurisdiction submits updated information. Specifically, the Annual Report Review Status 'Staff Reviewed' means the jurisdiction has submitted their Annual Report and Local Assistance and Market Development Staff have reviewed the data as submitted. However, these reports have not yet been formally presented to, or approved by CalRecycle. The Per Resident and Per Employee Disposal Rate Targets listed below are the most current targets as calculated by CalRecycle staff.

PPD: Pounds Per Day

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    Data updated continuously.
    Local Government Central: https://www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/LGCentral
    Contact: Local Assistance & Market Development - LAMD@calrecycle.ca.gov (916) 341-6199