SB 1383 Organics Capacity Calculator


SB 1383 requires California counties and each city, regional agency, and special district that provides solid waste collection services within each county, to plan for adequate capacity for recycling organic waste. CalRecycle is providing this optional calculator to assist jurisdictions with this organics recycling planning requirement.


This guidance tool was developed by CalRecycle as a courtesy for informational and example purposes only. Use of this tool is optional and is not a regulatory requirement. In the event of any conflict with this guidance tool or information herein, applicable statutory and regulatory provisions shall control. This tool and information herein are based on known facts and legal authority as understood by CalRecycle at the time of release. Any analysis, guidance, or other information herein may be subject to change based on changed facts or legal authority, actual or understood, subsequent to the time of this communication. The provision of this guidance tool and any analysis, guidance, or other information herein shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights or remedies available to CalRecycle. Recipients of this communication are encouraged to seek the assistance of legal counsel to comply with applicable state law based on their pertinent facts and circumstances. CalRecycle makes no representation that use of this tool will ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. The user assumes all risk and CalRecycle accepts no responsibility or liability to any person because of the use of, or reliance upon, this tool or the information herein.

Each county is responsible for leading this collaborative effort among all cities, regional agencies, and special districts that provide solid waste collection services within the county.

Each jurisdiction is responsible for:

  • Estimating the amount of all organic waste in tons that will be disposed by organic waste generators.
    • For capacity planning purposes, organic waste includes food scraps, landscape and pruning waste, wood, paper products, digestate, and biosolids. Each type of organic material included in the 2014 organic waste disposal baseline and Statewide Waste Characterization Studies (WCS) is included in the calculator below, except for carpet and textiles.
  • Identifying the amount in tons of existing, new, or expanded organic waste recycling infrastructure capacity, located both in the county and outside of the county, that is verifiably available to the jurisdiction.
    • “Verifiably available” means that each jurisdiction can demonstrate the available capacity through a contract, franchise agreement, or other documentation of existing, new, or expanded capacity at a facility, activity, operation, or property that recovers organic waste. A facility permit alone is not an indication of the amount of capacity available to a jurisdiction and, therefore, does not satisfy this requirement.
  • Estimating the amount of new or expanded organic waste recycling facility capacity that is necessary to process the estimated amount of organic waste that will be disposed by organic waste generators.
Each county is responsible for:

  • Collecting organic waste recycling capacity information from each of the jurisdictions.
  • Identifying any jurisdiction, which includes the county, that does not have enough organic waste recycling capacity.
  • Submitting an organic waste recycling capacity report to CalRecycle according to the following schedule:
    • August 1, 2022: For the period January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2024.
    • August 1, 2024: For the period January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2034.
    • August 1, 2029: For the period January 1, 2030 - December 31, 2039.
    • August 1, 2034: For the period January 1, 2035 - December 31, 2044.
  • Informing jurisdictions that have insufficient capacity that they are required to submit an implementation schedule to CalRecycle within 120 days following the date the county submits the report to CalRecycle.


Please note that the calculator contains ToolTips ( ) with definitions, user input instructions, and additional guidance about the origin of predefined or calculated data. Select the ToolTip and a small graphic will appear with more information.

Fields in each step that require an entry to calculate data in related steps are noted with a red asterisk (*).

Please note that this calculator does not save any of the data that is entered. To save a record, of your data please use the "export to excel" button located at the bottom of the calculator after completion.

This webpage has an “idle timer" that is set for 120 minutes during which the webpage caches temporary data. After this initial 120 minute period, any further period of inactivity exceeding 15 minutes (e.g. not making any changes to records in Step E, or Step F, or Step G during the additional 15 minute timeframe) may result in a loss of all data entries and/or an inconsistent Excel export. Therefore, after this webpage has been open for 120 minutes, users may experience some issues in displaying or exporting data, if not continuously updating information within every 15 minutes, and may choose to refresh the webpage prior to the start of data entry to maximize the initial timeframe available.

    Step A: Select Reporting Year & Period

    Enter the year of the reporting requirement in which the capacity planning report is due. The planning period will automatically load in the “Period Covered” box.

    • A jurisdiction that has a waiver from the collection requirements is not required to plan for the organic waste capacity in the areas subject to the waiver.
      Accordingly, for a more accurate estimate, population and disposal tons from the waived area(s) should not be included in this data submitted to the county.
    • A county is not required to obtain information from a jurisdiction that has received a waiver from all of the organic waste collection requirements.

    Step B: Select Jurisdiction

    Select your jurisdiction or input a special district that collects solid waste name in the “Other Area” field. Enter the population of the current year and the estimated population of the jurisdiction or district at the end of the planning period, and then press the “Search” button. The next calculation steps will then appear below in Steps C through H.

    • Note: Default population data from the Department of Finance (DOF) and default disposal data from the Recycling and Disposal Reporting System (RDRS) will load for the disposal data year selected when it is available.
    • Note: Pressing the “Reset” button resets Step B, which will affect disposal-related calculations in Steps C through H, though other information entered by a user should not be impacted. After pressing the reset button, users should complete Step B fields again.

    Press the “Search” button and further calculation steps will appear below.

      Step C: Calculate Disposal Total

      Press the “Use Defaults” button (above and to the right of this text) to load default WCS data into Step E. If disposal data is available the data will load, otherwise update or enter the jurisdiction’s estimated landfill/transformation/EMSW disposal tons for the year. Please note the fourth quarter RDRS disposal data is not due to CalRecycle until late March. Therefore, a full year of disposal data will not display in this capacity calculator until late-Spring.

      Note: The calculator does not contain default population or disposal data for special districts. This data is not available as Department of Finance (DOF) does not report population data for the districts, and RDRS does not contain disposal data for the district. Special districts that provide solid waste collection services should work with the city or unincorporated county they are located within to determine the proper data to use for capacity planning.

      Note: Regional Agencies and/or Regional Agency members may not display complete disposal data for all members depending on how the data is reported in RDRS.

      • Some Regional Agencies are reported as a whole without any disposal reported for individual members.
      • Some Regional Agencies are reported for only members without any disposal tons reported for the Regional Agency itself.
      • Some Regional Agencies are reported for as members and for the Regional Agency itself.

      Therefore, when calculating capacity needs for Regional Agencies or their member jurisdictions, users should review data for each of the members, and the Regional Agency itself, to determine the accuracy of the disposal data that uploads into this calculator. Questions about the proper disposal data to use should be directed to contacts for the Regional Agency contacts or LAMD representative, or for member-specific data if it is available.

      The per capita disposal rate will be calculated based upon the total population entered in Step B, (this per capita rate may differ from what a user may see in their EAR per capita rate disposal calendar depending on the amount of Green ADC disposed by the jurisdiction). If your jurisdiction has additional organic ADC, AIC, and/or beneficial use at the landfill, or disposed biosolids and/or digestate from a local wastewater treatment plan, you may input those tons into the appropriate fields.

      • Note: Except for green material ADC, CalRecycle does not track this information by jurisdiction of origin. Therefore, a jurisdiction will have to use its own available data if needed. These materials also have not been included in WCS data. Therefore, including these materials in the “Total Disposal” will skew the results of further calculations based on the WCS. Jurisdictions should consider those materials separately when estimating needed organics diversion capacity.
      • When pressing the "Use Defaults" button, the calculator will update the WCS data by material type and lock out the ability to edit the Material Category totals ("Total Paper", "Total Organic", "and Total Miscellaneous"). After pressing the "Use Defaults" button, users will no longer be able to edit the material category totals without inputting data by individual material type. User may skip pressing the "Use Defaults" button if they only wish to input Material Type Totals by category or to use their own waste characterization study data.
      Input user data or carryover default
      Step D: Calculate Projected Disposal Totals

      Using the projected population entered in Step B, and applying the per capita disposal rate calculated in Step C, an estimate of future projected disposal tons total will be calculated.

      Input user data or carryover default
      Step E: Calculate Projected Organic Disposal

      This step allows users to input specific percentages of different organic materials, or use the statewide WCS data (by pressing the “Use Defaults” button) to calculate an estimate of each type of organic material, and the total amount of organic material, in the disposal stream. There is also an option for users to choose a “Primary Facility Activity Type” to indicate the likely pathway each material may take, which will total, by facility type, in the fields beneath the WCS Materials table. Selecting facility types is an optional step and descriptions of the facility types are included as Tool Tips for reference in the fields below the table where the totals by facility type are displayed. Changes made in the WCS Materials table will calculate a percentage of organics in the future disposal stream, and calculate the total amount of organic material in the disposal stream at the end of Step E.

      • Note: The tons that appear in the Estimated Tons of Total Disposal column are rounded to the nearest whole number, and as data is aggregated throughout the rest of the calculator, rounding issues may produce totals that are not exact.
      Input user data or carryover default
      Waste Characterization Materials  

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      Waste Characterization Material   CalRecycle Waste Characterization Estimate - Estimate of Percent of Total Disposal   User Input of Estimate of Percent of Total Disposal   Estimated Tons of Total Disposal   Primary Facility Activity Type  
      Primary Facility Activity Type Tons  
      Total Projected Organics Disposal in 3 years (TPY)=  
      Step F: Calculate Available Organics Capacity

      This step allows users to input specific facilities to which they may take organic materials. For each facility type, a user may select facilities/sites that report in RDRS or input information for facilities/sites that may not report in RDRS. For each facility type, in the “Enter records in RDRS” tables, after pressing the “+ Add new record” button, a user should select any county where a facility they will utilize is located. The facility names in the next column will be limited to the county selected, and after selecting a facility name from the dropdown menu, the address and RDRS Number will display. Please note that the dropdown menu will include all reporting entities in the selected county that report in RDRS, regardless of the type of facility/site or activities. Some sites or facilities may consist of multiple reporting entities at the same location based on their activities.

      Users can then enter the Predicted Annual Tons per Year (TPY) they intend to take to the facility and indicate if the capacity available for those tons is verified capacity or unverified capacity. Verified capacity and unverified capacity will be totaled at the end of the calculator in Step H. Facility TPY that is “unverified” will be noted as “false” and “verified” TPY will appear as “true” after the box is checked.

      • Additional facilities can be added by pressing the “+ Add new record” button again. If a user needs to indicate both verified capacity and unverified capacity at the same facility, the user can then choose the same facility after pressing the “+ Add new record” button to add another line.
      • If the facility does not report in RDRS, users can press the “+ Add new record” button in the second table of each section, under “Enter records not in RDRS,” and type in specific information for the facility/site they intend to utilize.

      Total Available Composting Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available Composting Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available Community Composting Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available Community Composting Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available On-site Organics Management Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available On-site Organics Management Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available In-Vessel / Anaerobic Digestion Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available In-Vessel / Anaerobic Digestion Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available Co-Digestion at Waste Water Treatment Plant Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available Co-Digestion at Waste Water Treatment Plant Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available Biomass / Co-Generation Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available Biomass / Co-Generation Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available Chip & Grind / Mulch Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available Chip & Grind / Mulch Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available Recycling Center Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available Recycling Center Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available Edible Food Donation Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available Edible Food Donation Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available Rendering Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available Rendering Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available Animal Feed Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available Animal Feed Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available Land Application Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available Land Application Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available Soil Amendment Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available Soil Amendment Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available Other Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available Other Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available Organic Material ADC/AIC (Non-Landfill) Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available Organic Material ADC/AIC (Non-Landfill) Capacity (TPY)

      Total Available Biosolids and/or Digestate (Non-Landfill) Capacity Details  
      Enter records in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display

      Enter records not in RDRS

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      County Name   Site Name   Address   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction   User "Verified" Capacity with Facility   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Total Available Biosolids and/or Digestate (Non-Landfill) Capacity (TPY)

      Step G: Calculate Changes to New or Expanded Organics Capacity

      User can input information for facilities/sites to indicate changes in new or expanded organics capacity. Users press the “+ Add new record” button and type in specific information for the new or expanded facility/site they intend to use.

      The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

      New or Expanded Site Name, or anticipated site closures   Address/Location   Description   RDRS Number   Predicted Annual TPY sent by Jurisdiction [enter negative (-) number for anticipated loss of capacity due to closure]   User "Verified" Capacity withFacility   Material Accepted At Site   Delete  
      • 1
      • 1
      No items to display
      Changes in New or Expanded Organics Capacity in 3 years (TPY) 

      Step H: Calculate Potential Shortfall in Projected Organics Recycling Capacity

      Based upon data entered in previous steps, this step will calculate:

      • Total projected organics disposal for the period covered.
      • The total of verified existing, new, or expanded capacity available.
      • The shortfall or excess of verified organics capacity.
      • Total potential existing, new, or expanded capacity that has been identified but has not yet been verified.
      • Total potential existing, new, or expanded capacity that has not been identified and has not yet been verified.

      Data will not appear in these fields if no “verified” or “unverified” predicted annual TPY have been selected in Step F or G. Note: As data was aggregated throughout the calculator, rounding issues may produce estimated totals that are not exact.

      Input user data or carryover default
      Optional: Use this space to take notes about your plans for securing adequate capacity for organics recycling. Per Section 18992.3 Counties will report information on capacity planning on a specified schedule.

      Note: None of the information in this calculator can be saved. If you'd like a record of your input please use the "Export to Excel" button and save the file to your own system.

      Data updated continuously.
      Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP): Organic Waste Methane Emissions Reductions:
      Technical/Policy Contact: Organic Waste Methane Emissions Reductions
      Local Assistance Contacts: Local Assistance & Market Development