Press the “Use Defaults” button (above and to the right of this text) to load default WCS data into Step E.
If disposal data is available the data will load, otherwise update or
enter the jurisdiction’s estimated landfill/transformation/EMSW disposal tons for the year.
Please note the fourth quarter RDRS disposal data is not due to CalRecycle until late March.
Therefore, a full year of disposal data will not display in this capacity calculator until late-Spring.
Note: The calculator does not contain default population or disposal data for special districts. This data is not available as
Department of Finance (DOF) does not report population data for the districts, and RDRS does not contain disposal data for the district.
Special districts that provide solid waste collection services should work with the city
or unincorporated county they are located within to determine the proper data to use for capacity planning.
Note: Regional Agencies and/or Regional Agency members may not display complete disposal data for all members
depending on how the data is reported in RDRS.
Some Regional Agencies are reported as a whole without any disposal reported for individual members.
Some Regional Agencies are reported for only members without any disposal tons reported for the Regional Agency itself.
Some Regional Agencies are reported for as members and for the Regional Agency itself.
Therefore, when calculating capacity needs for Regional Agencies or their member jurisdictions, users should review data
for each of the members, and the Regional Agency itself, to determine the accuracy of the disposal data that uploads into
this calculator. Questions about the proper disposal data to use should be directed to contacts for the
Regional Agency contacts or LAMD representative, or
for member-specific data if it is available.
The per capita disposal rate will be calculated based upon the total population entered in Step B, (this per capita rate may differ
from what a user may see in their EAR per capita rate disposal calendar depending on the amount of Green ADC disposed by the jurisdiction).
If your jurisdiction has additional organic ADC, AIC, and/or beneficial use at the landfill, or disposed biosolids
and/or digestate from a local wastewater treatment plan, you may input those tons into the appropriate fields.
Except for green material ADC, CalRecycle does not track this information by jurisdiction of origin.
Therefore, a jurisdiction will have to use its own available data if needed.
These materials also have not been included in WCS data. Therefore, including
these materials in the “Total Disposal” will skew the results of further calculations based on the WCS.
Jurisdictions should consider those materials separately when estimating needed organics diversion capacity.
When pressing the "Use Defaults" button, the calculator will update the WCS data by material type and lock out the ability to
edit the Material Category totals ("Total Paper", "Total Organic", "and Total Miscellaneous").
After pressing the "Use Defaults" button, users will no longer be able to edit the material category
totals without inputting data by individual material type. User may skip pressing the
"Use Defaults" button if they only wish to input Material Type Totals by category or to use their own waste characterization study data.