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Local Jurisdiction Interested Parties

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1/13/2010 12:00 AM


2008 Waste Characterization on Web

CIWMB Local Jurisdiction Interested Parties

The latest California Statewide Waste Characterization Study is now available on the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) website at: This study was conducted in 2008 and contains comprehensive information on materials disposed at solid waste facilities throughout the state. As with the two previous comprehensive studies done in 1999 and 2004, this study reports waste quantity and composition estimates for the commercial, residential (both single-family and multifamily), and self-hauled waste streams. In addition to standard waste stream data, this study examined detailed material types for wood, plastic, and other materials. Also, the study includes additional analysis to:
- determine the extent and source of contamination on commonly recycled materials;
- assess the presence of asbestos in disposed roofing materials;
- investigate sources of plastic carry-out bags discarded in the waste stream; and
- estimate amounts of materials disposed from construction and demolition activities.

A presentation with an overview of the results of the study can be found at Please note, since this is a large file, it should be saved to your computer before opening.

The Waste Characterization Studies Home Page, with information on all characterization studies done by the Department, can be found at:

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