To: All Interested Parties
Subject: SB1013 – Changes to Glass Quality Incentive Payments
Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 1013 (SB 1013, Atkins, Chapter 610, Statutes of 2022) into law on September 27, 2022. A PDF of SB 1013 is attached to this email. This legislation directs the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle/Department) to make multiple changes to the Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act (Act).
Changes that will impact the Glass Quality Incentive Payment (QIP) are provided below:
· The department may make a quality incentive payment only for color-sorted glass beverage containers that are substantially free of contamination and are used for the manufacturing of glass beverage containers in this state (Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 14549.1(c)(1)(A))
· Up to fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000) may be expended annually by the department for quality incentive payments for empty glass beverage containers pursuant to Section 14549.1. (PRC Section 14581(a)(7)).
These changes take effect beginning January 1, 2023 and do not affect July – December 2022 claims which will be paid in 2023.
Pursuant to PRC Section 14553, all Glass QIP claims submitted to the Department must be accurate and an entity submitting an inaccurate Glass QIP claim may be subject to invalidation of the claim and civil penalties under the Act.
The changes outlined in this notification will be added to the next revision of the Quality Incentive Payment Program Instructions which will be available through the Official Notices - CalRecycle Page in early 2023 and a separate notification will provide the revised instructions.
If you have questions regarding Glass Quality Incentive Payments, please call: 916-323-5778, or submit questions to the email address:
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