Official website of the State of California
Grants & Payments
Loan Proposals & Awards
Workshops & Meetings
This workshop will present and discuss proposed regulations intended to provide a structure for pursuing covered electronic waste (CEW) recycling payments rates for CRT CEW and non-CRT CEW. As specified in Public Resources Code (PRC) section 42478, CalRecycle shall establish a CEW recycling payment schedule to cover the average net cost for each major category of CEW received, processed and claimed.
There is no cost to attend this workshop; however, the courtesy of an RSVP is requested for planning purposes. Please see workshop details below and click on the RSVP link.
Interested parties should continue to monitor this notice site for developing details.
Workshop Details:
o Documents are posted - see 'Documents'
o To attend the meeting in person please RSVP first, then see 'Event Information' above.
o To participate via webcast, go to: broadcast.
o Questions regarding this workshop, before, during, and after this workshop can be directed to: