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The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) staff will hold a second public scoping meeting to discuss the Notice of Preparation (SCH #2018122023) for an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the adoption of regulations to implement SB 1383.
A scoping meeting was held on Tuesday January 22, 2019, however due to technical difficulties the webcast was not available for a portion of the meeting and online participation was not fully available. To ensure full access to this process, on January 31, 2019 CalRecycle staff will present the information provided at the original meeting. Staff will provide an additional opportunity for comments online and in person. CalRecycle staff will additionally present a summary of comments received at the January 22, 2019 meeting.
Workshop Details:
This meeting will be webcast and members of the public can attend in person or via webcast and comment on the scoping document. The purpose of the scoping meeting is to discuss the Notice of Preparation and seek comments and input from members of the public and responsible and trustee agencies on the EIR to determine the scope of the environmental assessment for the project.
A link to the webcast can be found here: Please note: The link for the webcast will activate 15 minutes prior to start of meeting on that page. If you have any questions, please contact Marcus Santillano by e-mail at or by telephone at 916.341.6328