Public Meeting Notice: June 1, 2022 Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling Public Notice and Agenda

Event Information

6/1/2022 9:00AM

6/1/2022 4:00PM

CalEPA Building, Byron Sher (2nd floor), 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. Public Meeting Live Webcast . For a full list of locations, including teleconference locations, see the full public notice

Emily Zakowski

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Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling Public Notice and Agenda

Date: June 1, 2022

Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM


In-Person: Byron Sher Auditorium, 1001 I St, Sacramento, CA 95814

Public Webcast: Public Meeting Live Webcasts


-       83101 Avenue 45, Indio, CA 92201 (Lobby)

-       900 S. Fremont Ave, Alhambra, CA 91803

-       Chula Vista City Hall: 276 Fourth Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91910

-       19667 Hollygrape St., Bend, OR 97702

-       Millbrae City Hall: 621 Magnolia Ave. Millbrae, CA 94030

Public Comments:

-       Public Comment Portal (for written public comments)

-       Zoom link (for verbal public comments):

o   Meeting ID: 865 6820 4120

o   Passcode: 802273

o   To join via phone, find your local number


Agenda Item 1: 9:00 am (5 minutes) Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum

Formal proceedings to bring the Commission to order.

Agenda Item 2: 9:05 am (5 minutes) Review and Potential Approval of Meeting Notes

The Commission will review and approve meeting notes from the March 16, 2022 and April 6, 2022 Commission meetings.

Agenda Item 3: 9:10 am (5 minutes) Public Comment Review - Items Not on the Agenda

At this time, any member of the public may address the Commission on matters not listed on this agenda. Participants are encouraged to reserve their comments for regular matters listed on this agenda for the time the item is considered by the Commission. Please note that no discussion or action may be taken on any item that is not listed on the agenda. Comments will be limited to 1 minute or 150 words.

Agenda Item 4: 9:15 am (15 Minutes) Extending Producer Responsibilities Framework for Household Hazardous Waste Policy Discussion

The Commissioners will discuss the Extending Producer Responsibilities Framework for Household Hazardous Waste Proposal.

Agenda Item 5: 9:30 am (30 minutes) Discussion with Director of CalRecycle, Rachel Machi Wagoner

Director Machi Wagoner will join the Commission for a discussion of their previously submitted policy proposals.

Agenda Item 6: 10:00 am (15 minutes) Designing for Recycling Policy Discussion

The Commissioners will discuss the Designing for Recyclability Proposal.

Agenda Item 7: 10:15 am (15 minutes) Elimination of Toxic-Causing Components and Additives in PET Plastic Bottles in California’s Deposit Container Recycling Policy Discussion

The Commissioners will discuss the Elimination of Toxic-Causing Components and Additives in PET Plastic Bottles in California’s Deposit Container Recycling Proposal.

Agenda Item 8: 10:30 am (15 minutes) Precautionary Principle and Problem Products Policy Discussion

The Commissioners will discuss the Precautionary Principle Proposal.

Agenda Item 9: 10:45 am (5 minutes) Break

The Commissioners will take a five minute break.

Agenda Item 10: 10:50 am (15 minutes) Promoting Safety of Food Grade Recycled Plastics Policy Discussion

The Commissioners will discuss the Promoting Safety of Food Grade Recycled Plastics Proposal.

Agenda Item 11: 11:05 am (15 minutes) Advanced Monitoring for Compost Policy Discussion

The Commissioners will discuss the Advanced Monitoring for Compost Proposal.

Agenda Item 12: 11:20 am (15 minutes) Monitoring and Science Requirements for a Circular Economy Policy Discussion

The Commissioners will discuss the Monitoring and Science Requirements for a Circular Economy Proposal.

Agenda Item 13: 11:35 am (15 minutes) Framework for Advanced Technologies to Recycle Waste Policy Discussion

The Commissioners will discuss the Framework for Advanced Technologies to Recycle Waste Proposal.

Agenda Item 14: 11:50 am (15 minutes) Eliminate Generic Single-Use Non-Recyclable Printer Cartridges Policy Discussion

The Commissioners will discuss the Eliminate Generic Single-Use Non-Recyclable Printer Cartridges Proposal.

Agenda Item 15: 12:05 am (15 minutes) Support United Nations’ Development of Comprehensive Plastic Policies Policy Discussion

The Commissioners will discuss the Support United Nations’ Development of Comprehensive Plastic Policies Proposal.

Agenda Item 16: 12:20 pm (1 hour) Lunch Break

The Commissioners will take a lunch break.

Agenda Item 17: 1:20 pm (10 minutes) Data Review and Requests

The Commission may request additional data and/or information from CalRecycle.

Agenda Item 18: 1:30 pm (1 hour) July 2022 Report Contents & Format

The Commissioners will discuss the contents and format of the upcoming July 2022 report update.

Agenda Item 19: 2:30 pm (5 minutes) Break

The Commissioners will take a five minute break.

Agenda Item 20: 2:35 pm (1 hour, 15 minutes) Commission Structure & Management

Commissioners will discuss the structure and management of the Commission. Topics of discussion include: (1) Bagley-Keene Rules; (2) Commission appointments; and (3) the Commission’s Charter

Agenda Item 21: 3:50 pm (5 minutes) Next Meeting and Agenda Items for Future Meetings

The Commission will discuss future agenda items.

Agenda Item 22: 3:55 pm (5 minutes) Meeting Summary and Closing

Closing remarks and summary of goals achieved during the meeting.


For further information about this meeting, please contact Emily Zakowski at, (916) 445-4756, or 801 K Street, Mailstop 17-01, Sacramento, CA 95814.

Meeting Information:

Discussion and action may be taken on any item on the Commission meeting agenda. This notice and agenda, and any available meeting minutes and materials, can be found on the Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets and Curbside Recycling webpage. The time and order of agenda items are approximate and subject to change at the discretion of the Commission Chair to facilitate the effective transaction of business.

Under Government Code section 11123(a), all meetings of a state body are open and public, and all persons are permitted to attend any meeting of a state body, except as otherwise provided in that article.

The public may observe the meeting via live webcast online by accessing the meeting link at Public Meeting Live Webcasts.

Members of the public who wish to comment during the meeting may do so in-person from any meeting location, using the Zoom link provided at the beginning of the notice, or using the Commission’s public participation portal found at Public Comment Portal. When using the Public Comment Portal, please select “Statewide Commission Comment” from the initial drop-down menu and indicate which Commission agenda item your comment pertains to. During the live webcast, the Commission Chair, at their discretion, will apportion available time among those who wish to have their comments read aloud during the meeting. Please note that, due to time constraints written comments should be limited to 150 words or less. It should be noted that, the Commission will be unable to take any action on matters received from the public that have not been placed on the agenda. The Commission will, however, determine whether action on such matters should be scheduled on a future agenda.

Persons who, due to a disability, need assistance in order to participate in this meeting should, prior to the meeting, contact Emily Zakowski at (916) 445-4756 (voice), (e-mail). TTY/TDD and Speech-to-Speech users may dial 7-1-1 for the California Relay Service to submit comments on an agenda item or to request special accommodations for persons with disabilities.


Workshop: CalRecycle
