Public Meeting Notice: Public Workshop for Electronic Signatures

Event Information

2/2/2023 1:00PM

2/2/2023 3:00PM

1001 I Street, Byron Sher Conference Room, Sacramento CA 95814 ;

Vivian Cruz




The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) will be holding a hybrid public workshop to consult with the public, recycling center operators, the regulated community, and other interested persons to solicit feedback on developing regulatory amendments to allow recycling centers to utilize electronic signatures on a consumer transaction receipt or consumer transaction log.  


Section 2525(a)(6) of Title 14, California Code of Regulations requires recycling centers to obtain the printed name and signature of the person selling or donating material, or a statement explaining why such could not be obtained. 


How to Participate in the Workshop 


CalRecycle will hold the hybrid public workshop starting at 1:00 PM on February 2, 2023, to solicit stakeholder feedback on this matter. The public workshop will be accessible in person in the Byron Sher Auditorium located on the 2nd floor of the CalRecycle headquarters at 1001 I Street, Sacramento, California. The Byron Sher Auditorium is wheelchair accessible. The public workshop will also be accessible virtually via Zoom. Instructions for how to access the Zoom meeting are included below.  


At the public workshop, any person may present statements or arguments, orally, in writing, or in the chat of the Zoom meeting, relevant to the proposed topic of electronic signatures. CalRecycle requests, but does not require, that any person who makes oral comments also submit a written copy of their comments at the workshop. All comments made virtually will be collected and recorded. 


The Zoom requires registration. Please see the details below for how to register for the (Zoom) or where to attend in-person. 


Public Workshop for Electronic Signatures 

·       Thursday, February 2, 2023, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM (PDT)

-   Attend in-Person, check-in required at front of building 

   Byron Sher Auditorium, 1001 I Street Sacramento, CA 95814

-   Attend via (Zoom), requires registration


Stakeholders can submit written comments before and after the workshop by emailing them to: with the subject line: Electronic Signatures 


Request for Public Feedback 


Below are subject areas where CalRecycle is seeking information from Recycling Center operators: 


·       Do you see digital signature capability being a benefit to your recycling center? 

-   How do or would you use an electronic or digital signature in relation to Receipts & Log sheets?  

-   In what capacity would you use a digital signature: all purchases, scrap material, CRV only, etc.? 

-   Would it be a burden to incorporate a digital signature system at your facility?


·       If you have a digital signature system in place:  

-   How do you ensure the signature is not duplicated?  

-   Do you take a photo of consumer’s ID or match signature to ID? 

-   If a customer refused to sign digitally, what do you do? 

-   How long can a digital signature be stored/preserved? 

-   From what vendors did you purchase a system that captures this information? 


·       Do you currently have an electronic record keeping system?  

-   Is your system capable of sharing the stored information with CalRecycle? How (physical file sharing, email)? 

-   How do you plan to store required information (up to five years)?

-   Can you provide Division of Recycling with copies of electronic records, including electronic signatures upon request?

: Stakeholders will be able to submit general comments and responses to the questions above both in-person and via Zoom. Comments and questions may also be submitted prior to the workshop and after the workshop has concluded by emailing them to: with the subject line: Electronic Signatures. 

Please direct all listserv questions, comments, and concerns to . Unsubscribe from the Beverage Container Recycling Notices: Certified Recyclers/Processors list.

Workshop: Beverage Container Recycling Program
