Public Meeting Notice: Notice of Public Workshop - SB 54 Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act Non-Regulatory Workshop

Event Information

9/27/2023 10:00AM

9/27/2023 4:00PM

CalEPA Building, Sierra Hearing Room (2nd floor), 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814; Zoom; Livecast

Alexandria Tufo

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Notice of Public Workshop - SB 54 Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act Non-Regulatory Workshop

Start Date & Time:

9/27/2023 10:00am

End Date & Time:

9/27/2023 4:00pm


In-Person: CalEPA Building, Sierra Hearing Room (2nd floor), 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.

Public Webcast: Public Meeting Live Webcasts

Zoom: Link to Zoom Registration

Public Comments:


For further information about this meeting, please contact Alexandria Tufo at, (916) 341-6291, or 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.


The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) will hold a public workshop on September 27, 2023 to consult with the public, the regulated community, third-party contractors, and other interested persons to solicit feedback on some of the requirements outlined in SB 54 (Allen, Chapter 75, Statutes of 2022).

The topics of this workshop will be the needs assessment and second draft of the covered material category. The afternoon session of the workshop will focus on upcoming contracted studies as part of the needs assessment. We encourage organizations that are interested in bidding on upcoming contract solicitations for the needs assessment to attend this portion of the workshop.

Request for Public Feedback

At the public workshop, CalRecycle will be presenting statutory overviews of the various topics as well as non-regulatory concepts. CalRecycle will provide discussion documents prior to the workshop to give interested parties time to review the content in advance. There will be opportunities for interested parties to provide verbal or written feedback during the workshop. CalRecycle requests feedback to be focused on the specific topics being discussed. 

How to Participate in the Workshop

CalRecycle will hold the public workshop starting at 10:00 AM on September 27, 2023, to solicit feedback on these topics. The public workshop will be a hybrid in-person and virtual workshop, accessible in person in the Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95914. The Sierra Hearing Room is wheelchair accessible.

The public workshops will also be accessible virtually via Zoom, enabling direct participation, and via Webcast, for observation only. Instructions for how to access the Zoom meeting (registration required) or Webcast (no registration required) are included below. A detailed agenda will be provided prior to the workshop.

Simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be available in-person at the workshop and remotely via Zoom or webcast. For in-person interpretation services, headsets will be available and can be provided by CalRecycle staff prior to or during the workshop. If you need interpretation services in a language other than Spanish, please notify the Department at by September 20, 2023, and we will do our best to accommodate your request.


Members of the public will be able to submit general comments and responses both in-person and via Zoom. Questions and feedback may also be submitted prior to the workshop and after the workshop has concluded by emailing them to with the subject line: SB 54 Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act Regulations. 

Subscribe to the SB 54 Listserv to receive emails regarding updates specific to CalRecycle’s SB 54 Implementation Team. Subscribe to the Proposed Regulations listserv to receive emails regarding all CalRecycle’s rulemaking activities.



Workshop: CalRecycle
