Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) will be holding an
informal public workshop on April 8, 2024, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. The
purpose of this workshop is to consult with the public, the regulated community, and other
interested parties to solicit feedback on the proposed covered electronic waste
(CEW) recovery and recycling payment rates.
Request for Public Feedback
At the public workshop CalRecycle will be presenting the proposed
CEW recovery and recycling payment rates.
Every year, CalRecycle is authorized and required by statute
to consider the adequacy of the CEW recovery and recycling payment rates. The
rates established by CalRecycle must be sufficient to cover the average net
costs of compliantly collecting and recycling CEW.
How to Participate in the Workshop
CalRecycle will hold the hybrid
public workshop starting at 10:00 am on April 8, 2024, to solicit feedback from interested parties on
this matter. The public workshop will be a hybrid in-person and virtual
workshop, accessible in person in the Byron Sher Hearing Room located on the 2nd
floor of the CalRecycle headquarters at 1001 I Street, Sacramento, California. The
Byron Sher hearing room is wheelchair accessible. The public workshop will also
be accessible virtually via Zoom for direct participation and via Webcast for
observation only.
Simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be
available in-person at the workshop and remotely via Zoom or webcast. For
in-person interpretation services, headsets will be available and can be
provided by CalRecycle staff prior to or during the workshop. If you need
interpretation services in a language other than Spanish, please notify
CalRecycle at regulations@calrecycle.ca.gov by April 1, 2024, and we will do
our best to accommodate your request.
Instructions for how to access the Zoom meeting (registration
required) or Webcast (no registration required) are included below.
Covered Electronic Waste Workshop:
Recovery and Recycling Payment Rates Considerations
Please note that Webcast participants will not be able to provide
comments. If you are participating remotely and anticipate providing comments,
it is recommended to join through Zoom. No registration is necessary to view
the Webcast.
Interested parties and
members of the public will be able to submit general comments and responses
both in-person and via Zoom.
Written feedback and questions may also be submitted prior to
the workshop and after the workshop has concluded in one of the following ways:
Csilla Richmond
CEW Payment Rates
of Resources Recycling and Recovery, Regulations Unit
"I" Street, MS-24B
CA 95814
Subscribe to the Proposed Regulations Listserv to receive emails regarding rulemaking
Subscribe to the E-Waste Listserv to receive emails regarding the CEW
Recycling Program.