Public Meeting Notice: March 13, 2013 - Covered Electronic Waste (CEW) Recycling Program Stakeholder Workshop

Event Information

3/13/2013 9:00AM

3/13/2013 1:00PM

CalEPA Building, Coastal Hearing Room (2nd floor), 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

Jeff Hunts (916) 341-6603

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The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) will host a stakeholder workshop for participants in the covered electronic waste (CEW) recycling program and other interested parties to explore the evolving marketplace for residual CRT glass, the impacts of the new CRT management rules for the handling and treatment of CRTs and CRT glass in California, and potential changes to the CEW recycling system rules in light of these circumstances.

The format for the workshop is anticipated to include panels of experts representing recyclers, downstream vendors, regulators, and advocates. Participants will be asked to address issues and make suggestions for program consideration.

Workshop Details:

o Agenda, presentation, and additional materials will be posted under the “Documents” section below.

o To participate via webcast, go to the broadcast.

o Send comments or questions during the workshop to:

o Background Information from DTSC on CRT glass management:

o Existing CEW recycling program regulations under Chapter 8 at:

Workshop: Materials Management & Local Assistance Division
