Publication Summary

Quarterly Report on the Status of the Beverage Container Recycling Fund (FY 2014-15 – 4th Quarter) (DRRR-2016-1557)




Beverage Containers


This Quarterly Report on the Status of the Beverage Container Recycling Fund is a review of the adequacy of resources in the Beverage Container Recycling Fund to make payments specified in Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 14581 and the processing fee offsets specified in PRC Section 14575. This statutorily required report provides updates on the status of all five funds in the Beverage Container Recycling Program. This report also provides projections for sales, recycling volumes (returns), processing payments, processing fees, and processing fee offsets, by material type, and handling fees. Finally, this report provides an explanation of significant changes between the current projections and the projections presented in the April 2015 report.