Claims Search Tool

Gallons of Used Oil Collected Via Certified Claims for the Current Reporting Period

This report shows the amount of used oil claimed by each used oil Certified Collection Center within each city or county or for several cities or counties. The used oil Certified Collection Center claims are provided by quarter, totaled by Certified Collection Center, and totaled by city and county. This information may be used to assist in completing your Used Oil Payment Program Annual Report.

Note: This report will provide all oil claims from a center, including both do-it-yourselfer and non-do-it-yourselfer (service bay) oil volumes, based on incentive claim volumes submitted to and approved by CalRecycle.

Current Reporting Period: January - March 2023 through October - December 2023



Press and hold the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple cities or counties.

Each search is limited to a maximum of 20 cities/counties at a time.

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