Loan Recipient Search

Use the form below to search for businesses located in Recycling Market Development Zones that have received an RMDZ loan from CalRecycle. You can also search for all recycled-content manufacturing businesses located in RMDZs with the following.

Use one or more search criteria to display a filtered list of RMDZ businesses.



The following table was tested using Chrome browser and NVDA.For NVDA users, enable Focus Mode to navigate the following table with selectable items.Or, press the Tab key to enter table and navigate cells using arrow keys.You may also use AudioEye’s Toolbar player that will announce table contents. If you are having trouble reading the table, please use the Export To Excel button to download to Excel.

 BusinessStatusLoan TypeZoneCountySenate DistrictAssembly DistrictFiscal YearCal YearLoan Amount($)
  • 1
  • 1
items per pageNo items to display

Recycling Market Development Zone Program:
Zone Assistance: Regional Zone Contacts or, (916) 341-6199