Contract Detail

Tribal Composting Technical Assistance Program (DRR23064)


The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery awarded the contract to Kauffman and Associates, Inc.


Addendum 1, RFP(S) DRR23064 Addendum 1 , (288 KB, PDF Document) was released April 19, 2024

CalRecycle recognizes the critical role and commitment of California Native American tribes (Tribes) in advancing climate solutions. Composting is a proven practice to reduce the GHG emissions from landfilling of organic waste. Compost is a valuable resource often used as a component of systems and treatments designed for carbon sequestration, food production, green space development, erosion control, fire remediation, stormwater management, and other uses. CalRecycle is launching the Tribal Composting Needs Assessment and Permitting Guide to understand the priorities and resources needed by Tribes related to developing and operating composting facilities to divert materials from landfills and to help foster climate resilience. Under a separate contract for Small/Medium Composting Project Permitting, DR23044 (Phase 1), CalRecycle hired a Contractor to: Develop Best Management Practices (BMPs) for siting, permitting, designing, and operating small to medium composting activities. Develop tools and resources to help local government entities and facility proponents identify appropriate locations for small to medium sized compost operations; Outline potential pathways for permitting; Collect, compile, analyze, and report data and information related to local and state land use, regulatory oversight across applicable regulatory agencies, regulations and infrastructure requirements related to the proper development, design, and operations of small and medium compost activities; Identify regulatory challenges regarding siting, permitting, and associated costs across applicable regulatory agencies; and Provide solutions and guidance to assist with the development, design, and operation of small and medium composting activities. In Phase 2, this Tribal Composting Needs Assessment and Permitting Guide contract will supplement Phase 1 by conducting a Needs Assessment for Tribes to develop, site, permit, build, and operate composting facilities, as well as a Permitting Guide to help Tribes identify permitting requirements specific to tribal lands. Both Phase 1 and Phase 2 contracts support the implementation of the 30x30 Pathways and Natural and Working Lands Climate Smart Strategies and execute the Governor's nature-based solution agenda as called for in Executive Order N-82-20, consistent with Chapter 258, Statutes of 2021 (Senate Bill 155). The Contractor shall conduct a Needs Assessment to determine what composting tools and resources are needed by Tribes and create a Permitting Guide to help Tribes identify permitting requirements specific to tribal lands. IMPORTANT: Reference our CalRecycle website at for further information.

Advertisement Date: April 5, 2024

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