Official website of the State of California
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This report provides annual estimates of the disposal amounts for jurisdictions in California as reported by county and regional agency disposal reporting coordinators. The report shows the total amount disposed by the jurisdiction at each disposal facility for a requested year. ADC is CalRecycle-approved material other than soil used as a temporary overlay on an exposed landfill face Complete ADC definition
First, select a year. Next, select one or more jurisdictions.
Multiple jurisdictions (up to 20) may be selected. Select each jurisdiction one at a time and it will be added to the selection list. Jurisdictions are grouped/ordered by county.
After the year, jurisdiction(s), and format are selected, click the Generate Report button to download the report.
Note: ADC is defined by law as diversion through recycling and is not considered disposal. See Public Resource Code (PRC) Section 41781.3(a).
Disposal Reports Home (for data up through calendar year 2019)
Disposal Reporting System (DRS) web reports are based upon information reported by permitted facility operators and compiled by County/Regional Agency disposal reporting coordinators. Only finalized data are shown in these reports.
Recycling and Disposal Reporting: Reports List (for data after 2019)
Recycling and Disposal Reporting System (RDRS) web reports summarize information from RDRS. Data within the reports are subject to change and reflect the information that reporting entities provide within RDRS.