Public Meeting Notice: Plastic Beverage Container Minimum Content Reporting (AB 793) Workshop

Event Information

12/2/2020 10:00AM

12/2/2020 12:30PM

Brenda Meden - (916) 323-1835

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 December 1, 2020


To:   Interested Parties  

Subject: UPDATED WORKSHOP LINK – Please use link provided below
Plastic Beverage Container Minimum Content Reporting (AB 793) Workshop  

The Department of Resources Recycling & Recovery (CalRecycle) will present a Plastic Beverage Container Minimum Content Reporting Workshop via GoToMeeting video conference on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. CalRecycle will consult with the public, beverage manufacturers, plastic reclaimers, the regulated community, and other interested persons on developing regulatory language to implement AB 793. CalRecycle welcomes comments and recommendations on this matter. Please note that participation in this workshop will be through video, not in-person.  

Please register for Plastic Minimum Standards (AB 793) on Dec 2, 2020 10:00 AM PST at:

Webinar ID 608-695-819  

For workshop materials and access to the workshop via webcast, please go to our webpage at:  

Please send comments and questions to: Workshop participants are encouraged to submit questions and comments in advance. Comments and questions will be accepted before, during, and after the workshop.  

This workshop will focus on the following topics time permitting:

  • §14549.3(a) beverage manufacturer reporting
  • §14547(a)(1) –(3) application of standards
  • §14547(c) application of penalty
  • §14547(i) exemptions to the requirements

Discussion will be limited to these topics. Reporting for reclaimers described in §14549.3 (b) and (c) will be discussed in a separate workshop. Comments received on other subject areas such as adjustment of the minimum content standard and corrective action plans will be reserved for upcoming workshops.  

For additional information and updates on AB 793 implementation, visit our web page at: Contact Brenda Meden at (916) 323-1835 or email at: for questions or additional information. To receive notices regarding workshops and rulemaking, please subscribe to the Beverage Container Recycling Program General Listserv.








Workshop: Beverage Container Recycling Program
