High Diversion Organic Waste Processing Facilities List

Report 9A. High Diversion Organic Waste Processing Facilities List
As outlined in Title 14 California Code of Regulations section 18815.5(e), CalRecycle is required to assess: whether a facility meets or exceeds the annual average mixed waste organic content recovery rate specified in the definition of a “high diversion organic waste processing facility” in section 18982(a)(33); and, whether a facility meets the requirements necessary to be considered a High Diversion Organic Waste Processing Facility (HDOWPF) as specified in Title 14 California Code of Regulations section 18982(a)(33), section 18815.5(e), and section 18984.3(b)

Table 1: List of High Diversion Organic Waste Processing Facilities: The facilities listed in this table satisfy the designation of a High Diversion Organic Waste Processing Facility (HDOWPF), as of the most recently evaluated four quarter period, as specified in Title 14 California Code of Regulations section 18982(a)(33), section 18815.5(e), and section 18984.3(b). Specifically, the facilities listed in this table are designated as a HDOWPF per satisfying the requirement that their annual average mixed waste organic content recovery rate has not dropped below 50% for two consecutive quarterly reporting periods and/or has not dropped below 50% for three quarterly reporting periods during the last 3 years.

HDOWPF List as of: 2024 Q3

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Table 2: Facilities meeting or exceeding the annual average mixed waste organic content recovery rate of 50%: Upon reviewing data submitted in RDRS, CalRecycle has identified the facilities listed in this table that meet or exceed the recovery rate of 50% for the most recently evaluated four quarter period. CalRecycle will adjust this list in accordance with section 18815.5(e)(3), which mandates calculating the annual average mixed waste organic content recovery rate based on the last four quarterly measurements, resulting in a new annual average for each evaluated quarter

Year and quarter range: 2023 Q4 to 2024 Q3

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Additional Resources:

RDRS Registered Reporting Entities: Public Report 0 lists all entities contained within RDRS, providing facility details for each entity. For example, you may use this report to find an entity’s activity type, physical address, and self-reported Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) number, among other fields. This report reflects the most current information contained within RDRS.

SWIS Facilities/Site Search: The Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) database contains information on solid waste facilities, operations, and disposal sites throughout the State of California. The types of solid waste activities found in this database include landfills, transfer stations, composting sites, in-vessel digestion sites, engineered municipal solid waste conversion facilities, transformation facilities, and closed disposal sites. For each site, the database contains information about the location, landowner, operator, activity type, regulatory and operational status, authorized waste types, local enforcement agency, inspections and enforcement action records.

Additional Assistance:

For assistance regarding how to perform the required measurements needed for calculating the recovery efficiency, please send a detailed email to PermitTrainingAssistance@calrecycle.ca.gov.

For assistance with entering data gathered from the required measurements, into RDRS, please send a detailed email to RDRS@Calrecycle.ca.gov.

If you are a jurisdiction and need additional assistance, please contact your Local Assistance and Market Development Liaison (LAMD) and/or send a detailed email to SLCP.organics@Calrecycle.ca.gov