CIWMB Meeting Documents Archive
California Environmental Protection Agency CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD Margo Reid Brown, Chair Board Meeting Tuesday, November 13, 2007 10:30 am Joe Serna Jr., CalEPA Building AGENDA |
II. ROLL CALL AND DECLARATION OF QUORUM Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 23 KB) |
VI. CONSENT AGENDA Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 23 KB) |
Permitting and Compliance 1. Consideration Of The Adoption Of A Negative Declaration (State Clearinghouse No. 2007082163) And The Issuance Of A Major Waste Tire Facility Permit For Lakin Tire West, Inc., Los Angeles County -- (Committee Item B) Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 71 KB), Agenda Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 2247 KB), Agenda Attachment 2 (Adobe Acrobat 271 KB), Resolution 2007-233 Final (Adobe Acrobat 22 KB), Resolution 2007-234 Final (Adobe Acrobat 21 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 24 KB) (Note: Proposed for Consent) |
2. Consideration Of The Scope Of Work For The Environmental Investigation Services Contract (Integrated Waste Management Account And Solid Waste Disposal Trust Fund, FYs 2007/08, 2008/09 and 2009/10) -- (Committee Item C) Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 47 KB), Agenda Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 30 KB), Resolution 2007-225 Final (Adobe Acrobat 8 KB), Presentation (Powerpoint 1821 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 24 KB) (Note: Proposed for Consent) |
3. Consideration Of The Scope Of Work For The Laboratory Services Contract (Integrated Waste Management Account, FYs 2007/08, 2008/09, and 2009/10) -- (Committee Item D) Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 44 KB), Agenda Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 37 KB), Resolution 2007-226 Final (Adobe Acrobat 7 KB), Presentation (Powerpoint 1821 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 24 KB) (Note: Proposed for Consent) |
4. Consideration Of The 2003/2004 Biennial Review Findings For The Source Reduction And Recycling Element (Completed Time Extension, Good Faith Effort To Implement Programs) For The City Of Norwalk, Los Angeles County -- (Committee Item E)
Agenda Item (Revised) (Adobe Acrobat 63 KB), Agenda Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 295 KB), Agenda Attachment 2 (Adobe Acrobat 8 KB), Resolution 2007-218 Final (Adobe Acrobat 24 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 24 KB) (Note: Proposed for Consent) |
5. Consideration Of The City Of Cerritos` Request For An Extension To Compliance Order (IWMA BR07-02) Regarding The Due Date For Full Local Assistance Plan (LAP) Implementation -- (Committee Item F) Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 53 KB), Agenda Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 233 KB), Agenda Attachment 2 (Adobe Acrobat 277 KB), Agenda Attachment 3 (Adobe Acrobat 217 KB), Resolution 2007-224 (Revised) Final (Adobe Acrobat 354 KB) , Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 23 KB) (Note: This item was heard at the November 13, 2007 Board Meeting in Sacramento, CA.) |
6. Discussion And Request For Rulemaking Direction On Noticing Proposed Revisions To The Rigid Plastic Packaging Container Regulations (Title 14, California Code Of Regulations, Sections 17942 et seq.) -- (Committee Item G) Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 55 KB), Agenda Attachment 3 (Excel 16 KB), Agenda Attachment 2 (Adobe Acrobat 176 KB), Agenda Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 435 KB), Presentation (Powerpoint 6121 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 22 KB) (Note: Heard in Committee Only.) |
7. Update And Request For Direction On The Determination Of The Co-Mingled Recycling Rate For The At-Store Recycling Programs Under AB 2449 -- (Committee Item H) Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 52 KB), Presentation (Powerpoint 160 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 22 KB) (Note: This item was heard at the Monday, November 13, 2007 Board Meeting in Sacramento, CA.) |
8. PULLED PULLED Discussion And Request For Direction Regarding Solid Waste Landfill Closure Cost Estimates -- (Committee Item I) Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 86 KB), Agenda Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 56 KB), Agenda Attachment 2 (Adobe Acrobat 7 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 22 KB) |
Strategic Policy Development 9. Consideration Of Recommendations For Streamlining Implementation Of AB 75 (Public Resources Code Sections 42920, 42928) -- (Committee Item B) Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 74 KB), Resolution 2007-219 Final (Adobe Acrobat 9 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 24 KB) (Note: Proposed for Consent) |
10. Update To Board On Implementation Of Strategic Directive 6 - Market Development -- (Committee Item C) Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 62 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 22 KB) (Note: Heard in Committee Only) |
11. Review Of Board's Governance Policies 7 - 13 -- (Committee Item D)
Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 22 KB) (Note: Heard in Committee Only) |
Market Development and Sustainability 12. Consideration Of Grant Awards For The Targeted Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Incentive Grant Program (Tire Recycling Management Fund, FY 2007/08) -- (Committee Item B) Agenda Item (Revised) (Adobe Acrobat 66 KB), Agenda Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 6 KB), Resolution 2007-230 (Revised) Final (Adobe Acrobat 10 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 23 KB) (Note: Item has Committee Consensus) |
13. Consideration Of Grant Awards For The Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Use Grants (10th Cycle) (Tire Recycling Management Fund, FY 2007/08) -- (Committee Item C) Agenda Item (Revised) (Adobe Acrobat 50 KB), Resolution 2007-228 (Revised) Final (Adobe Acrobat 22 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 23 KB) (Note: Item has Committee Consensus) |
14. Consideration Of Eligibility Criteria, Priority Categories And Evaluation Process For The Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Chip Seal Grant Program (Tire Recycling Management Fund, FY 2007/08) -- (Committee Item D) Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 83 KB), Resolution 2007-231 Final (Adobe Acrobat 23 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 24 KB) (Note: Proposed for Consent) |
15. Consideration Of Amendments To The Scope Of Work And Augmentation Of The 2007-2008 Statewide Waste Characterization Study Contract (IWM06045) -- (Committee Item E)
Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 43 KB), Agenda Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 86 KB), Resolution 2007-232 Final (Adobe Acrobat 22 KB), Presentation (Powerpoint 77 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 24 KB) (Note: This item was heard at the Tuesday, November 13, 2007 Board Meeting in Sacramento, CA.) |
16. Discussion Of Degradable Plastics And Waste Management-Related Issues And Contractor Report Titled "Performance Evaluation Of Environmentally Degradable Plastic Packaging And Disposable Food Service Ware"(FY 2005-2007, Contract No. IWM 04078); And Request For Direction On Fact Sheet -- (Committee Item F)
Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 50 KB), Agenda Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 1853 KB), Agenda Attachment 2 (Adobe Acrobat 43 KB), Presentation (Powerpoint 2365 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 23 KB) (Note: Heard in Committee only) |
Notice: The Board may hold a closed session to discuss the following: confidential tax returns, trade secrets, or other confidential or proprietary information of which public disclosure is prohibited by law; the appointment or employment of a public employee; or litigation under authority of Government Code Sections 11126 (a)(1), (c)(3), (15), and (e), respectively. |