California Environmental Protection Agency CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARDMargo Reid Brown, Chair Jeffrey Danzinger, Vice Chair Wesley Chesbro, Member Rosalie Mule, Member Cheryl Peace, Member Gary Petersen, Member
Board Meeting Tuesday, December 11, 2007 9:30 am Joe Serna Jr., CalEPA Building Byron Sher Auditorium 1001 I Street, 2nd Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 AGENDATranscript (Adobe Acrobat 743 KB)
II. ROLL CALL AND DECLARATION OF QUORUM Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 23 KB) |
VI. CONSENT AGENDA Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 23 KB) |
Permitting and Compliance |
7. Consideration Of Scope of Work, Contractor, and Augmentation of Contract Allocation For The At-Store Recycling Programs Created Under Assembly Bill 2449 (Integrated Waste Management Account, FY 2007/08) -- (Committee Item H)
Agenda Item (Revised) (Adobe Acrobat 121 KB), Agenda Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 58 KB), Resolution 2007-238 Final (Adobe Acrobat 25 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 24 KB), Presentation (Powerpoint 169 KB) (Note: This item will be heard at the Tuesday, December 11, 2007 Board meeting in Sacramento, CA.) |
9. Discussion Of The Solid Waste Enforcement Process And Compliance Strategies To Meet Strategic Directives Relating To Enforcement At Solid Waste Facilities -- (Committee Item J)
Agenda Item (Revised) (Adobe Acrobat 56 KB), Agenda Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 42 KB), Agenda Attachment 2 (Adobe Acrobat 95 KB), Agenda Attachment 2A (Adobe Acrobat 92 KB), Agenda Attachment 2B (Adobe Acrobat 72 KB), Agenda Attachment 2C (Adobe Acrobat 97 KB), Agenda Attachment 3 (Adobe Acrobat 42 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 22 KB), Presentation (Powerpoint 211 KB) (Note: This item will be heard by the Full Board at the Tuesday, December 11, 2007 Board Meeting in Sacramento, CA.) |
Strategic Policy Development 14. Consideration Of Endorsement Of The Memorandum Of Understanding To Continue Participation Through December 2010 With The Paint Product Stewardship Initiative, National Paint Dialogue, To Develop A Nationally-Coordinated System For The Management Of Leftover Paint -- (Committee Item B) Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 43 KB), Agenda Attachment 2 (Adobe Acrobat 36 KB), Agenda Attachment 3 (Revised) (Adobe Acrobat 58 KB), Agenda Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 90 KB), Resolution 2007-252 Final (Adobe Acrobat 24 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 24 KB), MOU Presentation (Powerpoint 210 KB), Leftover Paint Management Presentation (Powerpoint 265 KB), Paint Product Stewardship Initiative Presentation (Powerpoint 383 KB), Managing Post-Consumer Paint Presentation (Powerpoint 137 KB) (Note: Proposed for Consent) |
Market Development and Sustainability |
24. Consideration Of The Scoring Criteria, Eligibility Criteria, And Evaluation Process For A Joint Solicitation Of The Used Oil Opportunity Grant Program (9th Cycle); The Used Oil Nonprofit Grant Program (8th Cycle); And The Used Oil Research, Testing, And Demonstration Grant Program (6th Cycle) (Used Oil Recycling Fund, FY 2007/08) -- (Committee Item G) Agenda Item (Revised) (Adobe Acrobat 86 KB), Agenda Attachment 1 (Revised) (Adobe Acrobat 26 KB), Agenda Item 2 (Revised) (Adobe Acrobat 64 KB), Agenda Item 3 (Revised) (Adobe Acrobat 48 KB), Resolution 2007-251 Final (Adobe Acrobat 9 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 25 KB) (Note: Proposed for Consent) |
* Agenda items may be taken out of order.
* The official California Integrated Waste Management Board agendas are available via the Internet.
* This agenda notice does not include a specific ending time for the Board meeting. The meeting shall end when all of the noticed items and other business have been dealt with. For meetings noticed for two days, the meeting may end on the first day noticed if all business is concluded on that day.
* Persons interested in addressing the Board on any agenda item must fill out a speaker request form and present it to the Board Secretary prior to Board consideration of the item. The Board may limit the time for individual public testimony.
* If written comments are submitted, 15 two-sided copies must be provided in advance of the Board meeting with the following information on the first page of the document: date, addressee, Board meeting, agenda item number, and name of person submitting the document.
* PowerPoint presentations must be sent to the Committee's Administrative
Assistant no later than 5 p.m. the day before the meeting.
* Any information mailed with this agenda is disseminated as a public service only, and is intended to reduce the volume and costs of separate mailings. This information does not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or policies of the Board.
* To request special accommodations for those persons with disabilities, or to
verify if an item will be heard, or to obtain copies of the agenda items, please
contact the Board's Administrative Assistant at (916) 341-6550.
Notice: The Board may hold a closed session to discuss the following: confidential tax returns, trade secrets, or other confidential or proprietary information of which public disclosure is prohibited by law; the appointment or employment of a public employee; or litigation under authority of Government Code Sections 11126 (a)(1), (c)(3), (15), and (e), respectively.
Important Notice: Items may be placed on the consent agenda. The Board will approve these items all at once without discussion. Therefore, if a Board Member or a member of the public wishes to speak to an item on the consent calendar, they must make their request that the item be removed from the consent agenda before the Board considers it.