CIWMB Meeting Documents Archive

CIWMB Meetings Listing

California Environmental Protection Agency

Linda Moulton-Patterson, Chair
Michael Paparian, Member
Cheryl Peace, Member
Carl Washington, Member

Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:30 am

Santa Clara County Board Of Supervisors
Isaac Newton Senter Auditorium
70 West Hedding Street
San Jose, CA 95110


Transcript (Adobe Acrobat 1809 KB)



  • Pledge Of Allegiance  


    Presentation by City of San Jose (Powerpoint 2844 KB)




    Sustainability And Market Development
    1. Consideration Of Zone Renewal Applications For The Following Recycling Market Development Zones: (1) Kern County/Lancaster And (2) San Jose  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 73 KB), Attachment 2 (Adobe Acrobat 76 KB), Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 69 KB), Resolution 2004-70 Final (Adobe Acrobat 21 KB), Resolution 2004-71 Final (Adobe Acrobat 23 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 27 KB)  
    (Note: Item Proposed for Consent)
    2. PULLED Consideration Of Approval Of Scope Of Work For Loan Servicing For the Recycling Market Development Revolving Loan Program (Fiscal Year 2003/2004 Contract Concept Number 2)  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 33 KB), Attachment (Adobe Acrobat 32 KB), Resolution 2004-72 Draft (Adobe Acrobat 7 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 12 KB)
    3. Consideration Of Approval Of The Report To The Legislature, "Polystyrene Use And Disposal In California" Pursuant To SB 1127 (Karnette), Chapter 406, Statutes of 2001  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 39 KB), Attachment (Adobe Acrobat 298 KB), Resolution 2004-73 (Revised) Final (Adobe Acrobat 22 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 27 KB)
    4. Consideration Of The Amended San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority Regional Agency Agreement  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 52 KB), Attachment (Adobe Acrobat 1317 KB), Resolution 2004-75 Final (Adobe Acrobat 24 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 26 KB)  
    (Note: Item Proposed for Consent)
    5. Consideration Of The Amended Nondisposal Facility Element For The Unincorporated Area Of Kern County  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 52 KB), Resolution 2004-76 Final (Adobe Acrobat 7 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 26 KB)  
    (Note: Item Proposed for Consent)
    6. Consideration Of The Amended Nondisposal Facility Element For The Unincorporated Area Of San Luis Obispo County  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 54 KB), Resolution 2004-77 Final (Adobe Acrobat 7 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 26 KB)  
    (Note: Item Proposed for Consent)
    7. Consideration Of The Amended Nondisposal Facility Element For The Unincorporated Area Of Orange County  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 48 KB), Resolution 2004-78 Final (Adobe Acrobat 7 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 26 KB)  
    (Note: Item Proposed for Consent)
    8. Consideration Of The Amended Nondisposal Facility Element For The City Of Santa Ana, Orange County  Agenda Item (Revised) (Adobe Acrobat 77 KB), Resolution 2004-79 Final (Adobe Acrobat 7 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 26 KB)  
    (Note: Item Proposed for Consent)
    9. Consideration Of The Adequacy Of The Source Reduction And Recycling Element, Household Hazardous Waste Element, And Nondisposal Facility Element For The Newly Incorporated City Of Aliso Viejo, Orange County  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 108 KB), Attachment 2b (Excel 99 KB), Attachment 3 (Excel 26 KB), Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 19 KB), Attachment 2a (Adobe Acrobat 445 KB), Resolution 2004-80 Final (Adobe Acrobat 24 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 27 KB)  
    (Note: Item Proposed for Consent)
    10. Consideration Of The Adequacy Of The Source Reduction And Recycling Element, Household Hazardous Waste Element, And Nondisposal Facility Element For The Newly Incorporated City Of Rancho Santa Margarita, Orange County  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 95 KB), Attachment 2b (Excel 229 KB), Attachment 3 (Excel 31 KB), Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 16 KB), Attachment 2a (Adobe Acrobat 983 KB), Resolution 2004-81 Final (Adobe Acrobat 24 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 27 KB)  
    (Note: Item Proposed for Consent)
    11. Consideration Of The Adequacy Of The Five-Year Review Report Of The County Integrated Waste Management Plan For The County Of Riverside  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 90 KB), Attachment 2 (Adobe Acrobat 42 KB), Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 1982 KB), Resolution 2004-82 Final (Adobe Acrobat 21 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 26 KB)  
    (Note: Item Proposed for Consent)
    12. Consideration Of The Adequacy Of The Five-Year Review Report Of The Regional Agency Integrated Waste Management Plan For The Sonoma County Waste Management Agency  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 126 KB), Attachment (Adobe Acrobat 825 KB), Resolution 2004-83 Final (Adobe Acrobat 21 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 26 KB)  
    (Note: Item Proposed for Consent)
    Education And Public Outreach
    14. PULLED Consideration Of Tire Care Education Project And Participation In National Tire Safety Week (Five-Year Tire Plan 2003-04)  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 34 KB), Resolution 2004-85 Draft (Adobe Acrobat 21 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 12 KB)
    Budget And Administration
    Special Waste
    16. Consideration Of Extensions For Grant Agreements For The Used Oil Opportunity Grants (Sixth Cycle) FY 2001/2002  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 42 KB), Attachment (Excel 19 KB), Resolution 2004-69 Final (Adobe Acrobat 9 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 26 KB), Presentation (Powerpoint 15 KB)
    17. Presentation Of Draft Report Entitled "Best Management Practices For E-Waste Collection" (FY 2001/2002 Contract Number IWM-C-182) - (Oral Presentation)  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 36 KB), Attachment (Adobe Acrobat 457 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 12 KB), Presentation (Powerpoint 76 KB)
    18. Status Report On The Implementation Of SB 20 - The Electronic Waste Recycling Act Of 2003  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 60 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 12 KB), Presentation (Powerpoint 1173 KB)
    20. Consideration Of The Grant Awards For The Waste Tire Track And Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Program For FY 2003/2004  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 55 KB), Attachment 1 (Adobe Acrobat 51 KB), Attachment 2 (Excel 40 KB), Resolution 2004-63 Final (Adobe Acrobat 55 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 26 KB)
    21. Consideration Of Scope Of Work And Interagency Agreement With The California Department Of Transportation For The Development And Testing Of Roadside Products Made From California Waste Tires (Tire Recycling Management Fund, FY 2003/2004)  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 42 KB), Attachment (Revised) (Adobe Acrobat 39 KB), Resolution 2004-64 (Revised) Final (Adobe Acrobat 43 KB), Resolution 2004-65 Final (Adobe Acrobat 43 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 27 KB)
    22. PULLED Consideration Of Scope Of Work And Contractor For The Tire Fire Responder Health Effects Report (Tire Recycling Management Fund, FY 2003/2004 And FY 2004/2005)  Agenda Item (Adobe Acrobat 15 KB), Attachment (Adobe Acrobat 29 KB), Resolution 2004-66 Draft (Adobe Acrobat 35 KB), Resolution 2004-67 Draft (Adobe Acrobat 35 KB), Meeting Transmittal (Adobe Acrobat 12 KB)




    * Agenda items may be taken out of order.
    * The official California Integrated Waste Management Board agendas are available via the Internet.
    * This agenda notice does not include a specific ending time for the Board meeting. The meeting shall end when all of the noticed items and other business have been dealt with. For meetings noticed for two days, the meeting may end on the first day noticed if all business is concluded on that day.
    * Persons interested in addressing the Board on any agenda item must fill out a speaker request form and present it to the Board Secretary prior to Board consideration of the item. The Board may limit the time for individual public testimony.
    * If written comments are submitted, 15 two-sided copies must be provided in advance of the Board meeting with the following information on the first page of the document: date, addressee, Board meeting, agenda item number, and name of person submitting the document.
    * PowerPoint presentations must be sent to the Committee's Administrative Assistant no later than 5 p.m. the day before the meeting.
    * Any information mailed with this agenda is disseminated as a public service only, and is intended to reduce the volume and costs of separate mailings. This information does not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or policies of the Board.
    * To request special accommodations for those persons with disabilities, or to verify if an item will be heard, or to obtain copies of the agenda items, please contact the Board's Administrative Assistant at (916) 341-6550.

    Notice:  The Board may hold a closed session to discuss the following: confidential tax returns, trade secrets, or other confidential or proprietary information of which public disclosure is prohibited by law; the appointment or employment of a public employee; or litigation under authority of Government Code Sections 11126 (a)(1), (c)(3), (15), and (e), respectively.
    Important Notice:  Items may be placed on the consent agenda. The Board will approve these items all at once without discussion. Therefore, if a Board Member or a member of the public wishes to speak to an item on the consent calendar, they must make their request that the item be removed from the consent agenda before the Board considers it.

    Show Meeting Notes

    CIWMB Meetings Listing