CIWMB Meeting Documents Archive

CIWMB Meetings Listing

California Environmental Protection Agency

Cheryl Peace, Committee Chair
Linda Moulton-Patterson, Member
Carl Washington, Member

Special Waste Committee

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 9:30 am

Joe Serna Jr., CalEPA Building
Coastal Hearing Room
1001 I Street, 2nd Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814


Transcript (Adobe Acrobat 1488 KB)

Agenda Items and Attachments are posted on the September 21-22, 2004 Board Meeting Agenda which will be available on September 8, 2004.

  • Roll Call And Declaration Of Quorum  
  • A. Deputy Director's Report  
    B. Consideration Of The Adoption Of A Negative Declaration State, Clearinghouse No. 2004071146, And The Issuance Of A New Minor Waste Tire Facility Permit For The Copper Chopper, Inc., Waste Tire Facility, Los Angeles County -- (September Board Item 8)  
    C. Consideration Of Eligibility, Scoring Criteria, And Evaluation Process For The FY 2004/2005 Waste Tire Playground Cover Grant Program And Waste Tire Track And Other Recreational Surfacing Grant Programs -- (September Board Item 9)  
    D. Consideration Of Stakeholder Input From The July 7, 2004 Roundtable Discussion Of The Tire Product Commercialization Grant Program -- (September Board Item 10)  
    E. Consideration Of Applicant Eligibility And Program Criteria, And Evaluation Process For The Waste Tire Enforcement Grant Program For FY 2004/2005 -- (September Board Item 11)  


    * Agenda items may be taken out of order.
    * The official California Integrated Waste Management Committee agenda's are available via the Internet at:
    * The exact ending time for the Committee meeting is unknown. The meeting shall end when all of the noticed items and other business have been dealt with.
    * Persons interested in addressing the Committee on any agenda item must fill out a speaker request form and present it to the Committee Secretary prior to Committee consideration of the item. The Committee may limit the time for individual public testimony.
    * If written comments are submitted, 10 two-sided copies must be provided in advance of the Committee meeting with the following information on the first page of the document: date, addressee, Committee meeting, agenda item number, and name of person submitting the document.
    * PowerPoint presentations must be sent to the Committee's Administrative Assistant no later than 5 p.m. the day before the meeting.
    * Any information mailed with this agenda is disseminated as a public service only, and is intended to reduce the volume and costs of separate mailings. This information does not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or policies of the Board.
    * To request special accommodations for those persons with disabilities, or to verify if an item will be heard, or would like copies of the agenda items, please contact the Committee's Administrative Assistant at (916) 341-6550.
    * In accordance with Public Resources Code section 40500, all committee actions, even if approved by four members of the Committee, are required to be approved and confirmed by the full Board.

    Notice: The Board and/or the Committee may hold a closed session to discuss the following: confidential tax returns, trade secrets, or other confidential or proprietary information of which public disclosure is prohibited by law; the appointment or employment of a public employee; or litigation under authority of Government Code Sections 11126 (a)(1), (c)(3), (15), and (e), respectively.
    Important Notice: Opportunities to speak on agenda items are available at Committee meetings and Board meetings. However, for most items, the Board intends that agenda items will be initiated and discussed in detail at Committee meetings. These same items will be fully deliberated at the Board Meeting unless the item has been placed on the consent agenda by a Committee. A Board member or members of the public may pull any item off the consent agenda.

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