Estimated Solid Waste Generation Rates

Generation Rates

Solid waste generation rates estimate the amount of waste created by residences or businesses over a certain amount of time (day, year, etc.). Waste generation includes all materials discarded, whether or not they are later recycled or disposed in a landfill. Waste generation rates for residential and commercial activities can be used to estimate the impact of new developments on the local waste stream.

The following links are to pages containing additional information on waste generation rates for commercial, industrial, institutional, residential and service establishments. The tables on these pages contain information extracted from various sources, which are cited. Note that several documents listed were developed by city or county planning or environmental departments. Your city or county planning or environmental agency may also be a source of information for a local project. CalRecycle does not officially endorse any of these rates and cannot validate their accuracy. However, they may be useful in providing a general level of information for planning purposes.

The data on this page is not official CalRecycle data; please read our disclaimer.

Commercial Sector Generation Rates

Note: More recent estimates for waste disposal, diversion, and generation rates are available for a limited number of business groups. These can be found in Table 2 of CalRecycle's 2006 Waste Disposal and Diversion Findings for Selected Industry Groups.

Waste Generation Source Gen. Rate Units of Measure Source
Source / Notes
Commercial 10.53 lb/employee/day 2006 City of Los Angeles CEQA Thresholds Guide: Your Resource for Preparing CEQA Analyses in Los Angeles
Notes: Does not include generation of construction debris
Commercial 5 lb/1000 sq ft /day Aug. 1992 Co. of Los Angeles Dept. of Regional Planning, Vesting Tentative Tract No. 47905, etc.
Notes: EIR cites City of LA Dept. of City Planning doc "EIR Manual for Private Projects" as source
Commercial 13 lb/1000 sq ft /day Apr. 1993 Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for South Gate Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Project
Notes:EIR cites CIWMB Resource Manual, May 1989
Commercial 25 lb/gross sq ft /day Jan. 1996 Draft Program EIR for Rye Canyon Business Part, Santa Clarita
Notes: EIR cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Santa Clarita SRRE, 1990
Commercial retail 0.046 lb/sq ft/day n/a Draft EIR for the Central Commercial Redevelopment Project (Monterey Park Redevelopment Agency) Notes: EIR cites Athens Disposal Co. and GRC Redevel. Consultants, 1992 as source
Commercial retail 0.006 lb/sq ft/day Dec. 1991 Draft EIR for North Hills Development (Santa Clarita)
Notes: EIR cites City of LA Bureau of Solid Waste, 1989, as source
Commercial retail 2.5 lb/1000 sq ft /day Apr. 1992 Stevenson Ranch Draft EIR (Phase IV) , LA County
Notes: EIR cites source as Ultrasystems
Office 6 lb/1000 sq ft /day Apr. 1992 Stevenson Ranch Draft EIR (Phase IV) , LA County
Notes: EIR cites source as Ultrasystems
Office 0.006 lb/sq ft/day Dec. 1991 Draft EIR for North Hills Development (Santa Clarita)
Notes: EIR cites City of LA Bureau of Solid Waste, 1989, as source
Office 100 lb/gross sq ft /day Jan. 1996 Draft Program EIR for Rye Canyon Business Park, Santa Clarita
Notes: EIR cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Santa Clarita SRRE, 1990
Office 1.24 lb/employee /day Jul. 1993 Notes: Final Report: 1992 Washington State Waste Characterization Study, Volume 3: Generator Survey Approach (Washington State Department of Ecology)
Professional office 0.084 lb/sq ft/day n/a Draft EIR for the Central Commercial Redevelopment Project and the Freeway ... (Monterey Park Redevel. Agency)
Notes: EIR cites Athens Disposal Co. and GRC Redevel. Consultants, 1992 as source
Commercial retail (dry goods) 4.75 lb/emp/day Jul. 1993 Final Report: 1992 Washington State Waste Characterization Study: Volume 3: Generator Survey Approach (Washington State Department of Ecology)
Auto dealer and service station 0.9 lb/100 sq ft/day May 1997 Guide to Solid Waste and Recycling Plans for Development Projects (Santa Barbara County Public Works Department)
Notes: Cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Matrix Mgmt Group, "Best Management Practices Analysis for Solid Waste"
Department store 3.12 lb/100 sq ft/day May 1997 Guide to Solid Waste and Recycling Plans for Development Projects (Santa Barbara County Public Works Department)
Notes: Cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Matrix Mgmt Group, "Best Management Practices Analysis for Solid Waste"
Shopping center 2.5 lb/100 sq ft/day May 1997 Guide to Solid Waste and Recycling Plans for Development Projects (Santa Barbara County Public Works Department)
Notes: Cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Matrix Mgmt Group, "Best Management Practices Analysis for Solid Waste"
Supermarket 3.12 lb/100 sq ft/day May 1997 Guide to Solid Waste and Recycling Plans for Development Projects (Santa Barbara County Public Works Department)
Notes: Cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Matrix Mgmt Group, "Best Management Practices Analysis for Solid Waste"

Residential Sector Generation Rates

Waste Generation Source Gen. Rate Units of Measure Source Date Source / Notes
Residential 12.23 lb/household/day 2006 City of Los Angeles CEQA Thresholds Guide: Your Resource for Preparing CEQA Analyses in Los Angeles (DRAFT)
Notes: Does not include generation of construction debris
Multifamily 4 lb/dwelling unit /day Aug. 1992 Co. of Los Angeles Dept. of Regional Planning, Vesting Tentative Tract No. 47905, etc.
Notes: Cites City of LA Dept. of City Planning document "EIR Manual for Private Projects" as source
Multifamily 8.6 lb/dwelling unit /day n/a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Central Commercial Redevelopment Project (Monterey Park Redevelopment Agency)
Notes:EIR cites Athens Disposal Co. and GRC Redevel. Consultants, 1992, as source
Multifamily 3.6 lb/unit/day Apr. 1993 Draft EIR for South Gate Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Project
Notes: EIR cites City of LA Dept. of City Planning document "EIR Manual for Private Projects" as source
Multifamily 4 lb/dwelling unit /day Dec. 1991 Draft EIR for North Hills Development (Santa Clarita)
Notes: EIR cites City of LA Bureau of Solid Waste, 1989, as source
Multifamily 5.31 lb/dwelling unit /day Jan. 1996 Draft Program EIR for Rye Canyon Business Park, Santa Clarita
Notes: EIR cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Santa Clarita SRRE, 1990
Residential 12 lb/person/day Apr. 1992 Stevenson Ranch Draft EIR (Phase IV) , LA County
Notes: EIR cites source as Ultrasystems
Single Family 10 lb/dwelling unit /day Aug. 1992 Co. of Los Angeles Dept. of Regional Planning, Vesting Tentative Tract No. 47905, etc.
Notes: EIR cites City of LA Dept. of City Planning doc "EIR Manual for Private Projects" as source
Single Family 11.4 lb/dwelling unit /day n/a Draft EIR for the Central Commercial Redevelopment Project (Monterey Park Redevelopment Agency)
Notes: EIR cites Athens Disposal Co. and GRC Redevel. Consultants, 1992, as source
Single Family 7.8 lb/unit/day Apr. 1993 Draft EIR for South Gate Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Project
Notes: EIR cites City of LA Manual for Private Projects
Single Family 10 lb/dwelling unit /day Dec. 1991 Draft EIR for North Hills Development (Santa Clarita)
Notes: EIR cites City of LA Bureau of Solid Waste, 1989, as source
Single Family 9.8 lb/dwelling unit /day Jan. 1996 Draft Program EIR for Rye Canyon Business Park, Santa Clarita
Notes: EIR cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Santa Clarita SRRE, 1990


Industrial Sector Generation Rates

Waste Generation Source Gen. Rate Units of Measure Source
Source / Notes
Industrial 8.93 lb/employee/day 2006 City of Los Angeles CEQA Thresholds Guide :   Your Resource for Preparing CEQA Analyses in Los Angeles.
Notes: Does not include generation of construction debris
Industrial 62.5 lb/1000 sq ft/day Apr. 1993 Draft Environmental Impoact Report (EIR) for South Gate Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Project
Notes: EIR cites City of LA Manual for Private Projects (rate for manufacturing uses)
Industrial 5 lb/1000 sq ft/day Apr. 1992 Stevenson Ranch Draft EIR (Phase IV) , LA County
Notes:EIR cites source as Ultrasystems
Industrial 0.006 lb/sq ft/day Dec. 1991 Draft EIR for North Hills Development (Santa Clarita)
Notes: EIR cites City of LA Bureau of Solid Waste, 1989, as source
Industrial 3 lb/employee /1000 sq ft/day Jan. 1996 Draft Program EIR for Rye Canyon Business Part, Santa Clarita
Notes: EIR cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Santa Clarita SRRE, 1990
Light industrial 41.64 lb/employee/day Aug. 1992 Co. of Los Angeles Dept. of Regional Planning, Vesting Tentative Tract No. 47905, etc.
Notes: Cites City of LA Dept. of City Planning document "EIR Manual for Private Projects" as source
Manufacturing/ warehouse 1.42 lb/100 sq ft/day May 1997 Guide to Solid Waste and Recycling Plans for Development Projects (Santa Barbara County Public Works Department)
Notes: Cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Matrix Mgmt Group, "Best Management Practices Analysis for Solid Waste"
Transportation,/ communication/ utilities 1.4
lb/100 sq ft/day
May 1997 Guide to Solid Waste and Recycling Plans for Development Projects (Santa Barbara County Public Works Department)
Notes: Cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Matrix Mgmt Group, "Best Management Practices Analysis for Solid Waste"
Warehouse 13.82 lb/emp/day Jul. 1993 Final Report: 1992 Washington State Waste Characterization Study: Volume 3: Generator Survey Approach (Washington State Department of Ecology)


Institutional Sector Generation Rates

Waste Generation Source Gen. Rate Units of Measure Source
Source / Notes
Education 3.55 lb/emp/day Jul. 1993 Final Report: 1992 Washington State Waste Characterization Study, Volume 3: Generator Survey Approach (Washington State Department of Ecology)
Educational facilities 0.5 lb/student/day Apr. 1992 Stevenson Ranch Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (Phase IV), LA County
Notes: EIR cites source as Ultrasystems
Educational institutions 0.12 tons/emp/year 1990 Environmental Thresholds and Guidelines Manual (Santa Barbara County Department of Resource Management)
Notes: Cites Matrix Management Group, et al. "Best Management Practices Analysis for Solid Waste", 1988.
Government 0.59 tons/emp/year 1990 Environmental Thresholds and Guidelines Manual (Santa Barbara County)
Notes: Cites Matrix Management Group, et al. "Best Management Practices Analysis for Solid Waste", 1988.
Hospital 16 lb/bed/day May 1997 Guide to Solid Waste and Recycling Plans for Development Projects (Santa Barbara County Public Works Department)
Notes: Cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Matrix Mgmt Group, "Best Management Practices Analysis for Solid Waste"
Nursing/ retirement home 5 lb/person/day May 1997 Guide to Solid Waste and Recycling Plans for Development Projects (Santa Barbara County Public Works Department)
Notes: Cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Matrix Mgmt Group, "Best Management Practices Analysis for Solid Waste"
Public/ institutional 0.007 lb/sq ft /day n/a Draft EIR for the Central Commercial Redevelopment Project  (Monterey Park Redevelopment Agency)
Notes: EIR cites Athens Disposal Co. and GRC Redevel. Consultants, 1992 as source
School 0.007 lb/sq ft/day Dec. 1991 Draft EIR for North Hills Development (Santa Clarita)
Notes: EIR cites City of LA Bureau of Solid Waste, 1989, as source; assumes 22.5 sq.ft./student
School 0.6 lb/person/day May 1997 Guide to Solid Waste and Recycling Plans for Development Projects (Santa Barbara County Public Works Department)
Notes: Cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Matrix Mgmt Group, "Best Management Practices Analysis for Solid Waste"
Schools 1 lb/student/day Jan. 1996 Draft Program EIR for Rye Canyon Business Park, Santa Clarita
Notes: EIR cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Santa Clarita SRRE, 1990


Service Sector Generation Rates

Note: More recent estimates for waste disposal, diversion, and generation rates are available for a limited number of business groups. These can be found in Table 2 of CalRecycle's 2006 Waste Disposal and Diversion Findings for Selected Industry Groups.

Waste Generation Source Gen. Rate Units of Measure Source
Source / Notes
Golf course 0.5 lb/golfer/day Apr. 1992 Stevenson Ranch Draft Enviromental Impact Report (EIR) (Phase IV) , LA County
Notes: EIR cites source as Ultrasystems
Hotel 2 lb/room/day Apr. 1992 Stevenson Ranch Draft EIR (Phase IV) , LA County
Notes: EIR cites source as Ultrasystems
Hotel/motel 4 lb/room/day Dec. 1991 Draft EIR for North Hills Development (Santa Clarita)
Notes: EIR cites City of LA Bureau of Solid Waste, 1989, as source; assumes 750 SF/room
Hotel/motel 2 lb/room/day May 1997 Guide to Solid Waste and Recycling Plans for Development Projects (Santa Barbara County Public Works Department)
Notes: Cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Matrix Mgmt Group, "Best Management Practices Analysis for Solid Waste"
Motel 3.6 lb/unit/day Apr. 1993 Draft EIR for South Gate Commercial Corridors Redevelopment Project
Notes: Cites City of LA Dept. of City Planning document "EIR Manual for Private Projects" as source
Other services* 3.12 lb/100 sq ft /day May 1997 Guide to Solid Waste and Recycling Plans for Development Projects (Santa Barbara County Public Works Department)
Notes: Cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Matrix Mgmt Group, "Best Management Practices Analysis for Solid Waste
Restaurant 1 lb/seat/day Apr. 1992 Stevenson Ranch DEIR (Phase IV), LA County
Notes: EIR cites source as Ultrasystems; assumes 50% of restaurant is seating and 16 SF/seat
Restaurant 0.005 lb/sq ft/day Dec. 1991 Draft EIR for North Hills Development (Santa Clarita)
Notes: EIR cites City of LA Bureau of Solid Waste, 1989, as source
Restaurant (fast food) 17 lb/employee /day May 1997 Guide to Solid Waste and Recycling Plans for Development Projects (Santa Barbara County Public Works Department)
Notes: Cites SWANA Tech. Bull. 85-6; Recovery Sciences, 1987; and Matrix Mgmt Group, "Best Management Practices Analysis for Solid Waste"



CalRecycle does not officially endorse any of the waste generation rates in the preceding table, and cannot validate their accuracy. However, they may be useful in providing a general level of information for planning purposes.

The table contains information extracted from various sources, which are cited. Please note that several of the documents listed were developed by city or county planning or environmental departments. Your city or county planning or environmental agency may be a source of information for a local project.


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