Waste Characterization Material Type Listing

The following list contains definitions for material types used in recent CalRecycle waste characterization studies. Waste and diversion streams are divided into 68 distinct material types, grouped into 10 different categories. In general, categories contain types made of the same base material like paper, glass, or organics. However, some organic-based materials are in other categories such as wood waste (Inerts and Other category), and compostable paper (Paper category).

CalRecycle Material Types

While the material types used in CalRecycle’s studies have remained generally consistent over the years, some special types have been included in individual studies. See the material type definitions (usually in Appendix B) of each of the studies for details.

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    Comments, suggestions, questions? Contact CalRecycle waste characterization staff at wastechar@calrecycle.ca.gov

    Solid Waste Characterization: https://www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/WasteCharacterization/
    Contact: wastechar@calrecycle.ca.gov