Note: Guidelines for health and safety procedures are also available,
as are a separate method and calculator for visually characterizing construction and demolition waste.
1. Introduction:
The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for performing
visual and/or physical sorts of nonhazardous solid waste from selected
garbage dumpsters, transfer stations, and sanitary landfills.
2. Table of Contents:
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Table of Contents
3.0 Specific Procedure
3. Specific Procedure:
The following section lists some of the personal safety/protective
equipment recommended for a visual and physical sort of solid waste.
Body protection:
- Tyvek or equivalent, disposable coveralls
- Chemical resistant coveralls, if appropriate
- Hard bottomed, non-slip, steel toe boots
- A supply of outer rubber (cut and puncture resistant) gloves
- Chemical goggles or safety glasses with splash shields
- Dust masks
- A supply of inner (latex) gloves
- Snake guards, if appropriate
- Insect repellent
- Dog repellent
Hearing protection (if site has equipment or activities that generate
loud noises):
Other safety equipment:
- Supportive back belt for heavy lifting
- Industrial first aid kit
- Field blanket
- Eye wash kit
- Moist, disposable towelettes (e.g., baby wipes)
- Six foot pole
- Small fire extinguisher
- Cell phone
- High visibility traffic cones and tapes
- Site-specific safety plan
- Liquids to replenish fluids (water and cups for dehydration)
- Knife with a fixed blade.
Small bins or buckets (5 gal and/or larger) for weighing sorted
- Sorting table.
A scale that is accurate to one-tenth of a pound. Depending upon the
waste stream, a larger capacity scale may be useful.
- Tongs.
- Permanent markers.
- Clipboard and data sheets.
- Large magnets.
- Calculator.
- Trash bags.
- Step ladder.
- A long stick, approximately 6' in length.
- Rake with a long handle.
- Rake with a short handle.
- Shovel with a long handle.
- Broom
- Camera
- Duct tape
- Plastic sheeting (minimum of 10 mm thick)
If physical sampling is to be performed at the business site of a
generator, try to minimize interference with normal operations.
Place traffic cones or high visibility warning tape around the active
sorting area.
Make noise when approaching the actual waste site to allow any
insects/pest animals to flee. Look for snakes, bees, wasps, and poisonous
spiders around and inside a dumpster/bin by probing with a long stick.
Always wear the following before beginning the sorting procedure: both
pairs of gloves (outer rubber and inner latex), chemical goggles or safety
glasses with splash shields, a dust mask, and disposable Tyvek overalls.
There will be absolutely no eating, smoking or drinking during sorting
activities in the sorting area. Plenty of fluids (e.g., water, sports
drinks, etc.) must be available away from the sorting area. Hands and
faces should be washed before eating or drinking. Frequent rest, drink and
food breaks should be given during hot days.
Do not attempt to identify unknown chemical substances present in the
waste stream: vials of chemicals, unlabeled pesticide/herbicide
containers, and substances (e.g., chemicals, or needles) in unlabeled
plastic/glass bottles/jugs.
The "line of sight buddy system" must always be maintained at the
sorting site. The "line of sight buddy system" is as follows: sorters are
grouped into pairs and each member is to periodically assess the physical
condition of his/her "buddy".
Set up the sorting table. It is recommended that the labeled buckets
be placed around the table so that the buckets that will receive the most
material are nearest to the table. To reduce reaching distances, all
buckets within a broad material category (i.e. paper) should be positioned
close together.
Place plastic sheeting or tarp over the surface where the solid waste
is to be sorted. Tape the edges of the cover down with duct tape or weight
it down. The cover will protect the surface from stains.
When removing only part of the contents of a dumpster/bin, use a
shovel (and a ladder, if needed) to remove the sample all the way to the
bottom to insure that smaller, more dense elements are included. Remove
sub samples of approximately 50 pounds from a preselected dumpster/bin until an
appropriate sample weight has been sorted. If there is not enough material
in a dumpster/bin, sort the entire contents. It is recommended that
sampling occur when the dumpsters/bins are at their fullest, right before
pick up.
Tear open garbage bags (not red bags) with rakes or other equipment
and visually inspect for potential hazards. If hazardous or bio-hazardous
wastes are detected, the sort will be halted and the Site Safety Officer
must be notified.
Begin the sort by removing and characterizing the largest, bulkiest
elements. Sort the remaining items into the categories and material types
shown on the sample sheet. If a bucket becomes full, the full bucket is
weighed; the data recorded on the data sheet, and the bucket is emptied
and reused. Weigh and record the total mass (contents + bucket) on the
data sheet. Record the type of bucket used so that later, the mass of the
buckets can be subtracted from the total weight.
When sorting glass, remove and sort the larger pieces that are on top
first. Never use your hands to dig down through the waste. Use a rake or
small shovel to pull/push the material to the side and continue sorting.
When a sorter has a question regarding the material category or type
into which an element should be placed, the Crew Leader will be consulted.
For composites or multi material items, the predominate material type (as
measured by weight) determines which material type it belongs to.
Return all sorted materials to their dumpster/bin. If sorting at a solid
waste facility, place sorted materials where they will ultimately be disposed.
At the end of each shift, remove all disposable clothing into a
plastic trash bag, and place the bag into a solid waste receptacle.
Reusable equipment should be cleaned and sanitized after use. All sorters must
shower at the end of each shift.
For the following wastes; a visual sort (not a physical sort) is
appropriate: wastes that contain large quantities of bulky or heavy items
(e.g., concrete demolition material), consist of materials too small to be
sorted (e.g., ash), consist of materials that may be too dangerous to sort
(e.g., chemical or biohazards), or are of primarily one type of material.
Photographs can be taken to document waste types or, used when other
constraints (such as odor or business hours) sharply limit field-sampling
time. Photographs should be taken from as close to a vertical
position as possible above the spread-out sample. Mark out a rectangle on
the image in which the waste types are to be identified. Some have found
that subdividing the rectangle helps with keeping track of the sample
areas and in identifying components.
For "in-bin" visual characterizations, solid waste in dumpsters/bins
can be visually inspected by personnel standing outside the dumpster/bin
on a stepladder. Do not remove bags/material from the dumpster or bin. Use
a rake or other equipment to break open bags and expose materials for
visual characterization.
A recommended minimum of 2 persons shall conduct each sort, one person
to characterize the solid waste, the other to record data. Independent
observations and estimates of the volumes of the various waste materials
should be attempted.
The average of the volume estimates should be used along with a
density conversion table to convert the volume data to weight percentage.
The sum of the average volumes should total 100%, so some adjustment in
the 100% volume may be necessary. For materials with no published density
conversion data, a sample can be weighed and volume measured to develop a
conversion factor. Refer to section 3.04 above for physical sort
Unidentifiable materials can be put into the "miscellaneous/unsorted"
category. The rules for composites and multimaterial waste
characterization should be followed. For composites or multimaterial
items, the predominate material type as measured by weight determines
which material type it gets classified as. When a sorter has a question
regarding the material category or type into which an item should be
placed, the Crew Leader should be consulted.
For visual characterization samples that are removed from the bin, ensure
that smaller, denser items are included in the sort by sampling all the
way to the bottom of the dumpster/bin. Do not sort only the top layers and
consider the sampling procedure completed.
A load that is to be visually characterized should be spread into a
thin layer (approx. 6-8 inches) so that nothing is covered by other
objects. Periodically rake through the layer to determine if there are
hidden waste types. If the lower layers are significantly different, remix
The above procedures are
from the California 1999 Statewide Waste Composition Study by the Cascadia
Consulting Group, Inc. for the California Integrated Waste Management Board (now CalRecycle).