Official website of the State of California
This page displays composition by material type and stream for a specified Business Group and California jurisdiction(s). View data by all Business Groups summed or by an individual group. Tons in the first 4 streams add across rows to give Total Generation. Percents show the proportion each material contributes to each stream, and they add down the columns to give 100%. For example, the group Retail Trade-All Other in a city may recycle 300 tons of cardboard which is 30 percent of the recycling stream for that group. Data includes contamination, such as food in the recycling stream. Select a Summary button to view a material's distribution among business groups, or view waste stream data for all business groups. You can also view residential composition for the disposed stream.
This selection only shows data for the selected Material Type Focus. The percentages show how much each material type represents of all materials in that stream. Subtotals are for those materials in a category included in that focus (i.e. recyclable paper types, not all paper). Percentages in the Grand Totals row may not add up to 100% because data is for only the focused subset of materials. For a complete list of materials select the “All Material Types” focus.
Commercial waste compositions and generation rates are statewide averages developed from sampling at 50 individual businesses, scattered throughout the state, for each business group. A jurisdiction’s estimates are based on these data and not on sampling at individual businesses in that jurisdiction.
Comments, suggestions, questions? Contact CalRecycle waste characterization staff at