Official website of the State of California
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Contacts A report displaying the contacts for a selected city, county or regional agency. Contacts include county disposal reporting contacts, CalRecycle Local Assistance and Development staff, and local government annual reporting and general contacts
Regional Agency Members A report displaying a list of CalRecycle approved regional agencies and their city/county members.
Diversion/Disposal Progress Report A report providing both summary and detailed information on biennial review status, jurisdiction review status, diversion rates, disposal rates, and waste diversion program implementation for all California jurisdictions.
Disposal Rate Calculator A calculator used to measure waste diversion goals in terms of per-capita disposal after 2006.
Organics Management Infrastructure Planning A report displaying information reported by cities and counties to CalRecycle regarding the long term planning for organics infrastructure.
Organics Management Infrastructure Planning Calculator A calculator provided to assist jurisdictions with compostable organics diversion planning.
Disposal Tonnnage Trend A graphical representation of a jurisdiction’s total disposal measured over time. The graph compares, by Report Year, the disposal tonnage as reported in the Disposal Reporting System (DRS) labeled Default (DRS), to the disposal tonnage reviewed by LAMD Staff (labeled Staff Reviewed) in the jurisdiction’s Annual Report. The data is also displayed in tabular form.
Per Capita Disposal Trends A graphical representation of a jurisdiction’s Per Capita Disposal Rate measured over time. Per Capita Disposal Rates based on both population and employment, as computed in the jurisdiction’s Annual Report, are compared to the assigned Target Per Capita Disposal Rates for the jurisdiction. The annual data is also presented in tabular form.
Per Capita Disposal Rate Trends (Post 2006) A graphical representation of a jurisdiction’s Per Capita Disposal Rate measured over time. Per Capita Disposal Rates based on both population and employment, as computed in the jurisdiction’s Annual Report, are compared to the assigned Target Per Capita Disposal Rates for the jurisdiction. The annual data is also presented in tabular form.
Diverson Rate Trends (1995-2006) A graphical representation of a jurisdiction’s diversion rate percentage. The graph compares, by Report Year, the diversion rate as computed in the jurisdiction's Annual Report. The data is also displayed in tabular form.
Diversion Program Status Summary A report providing a history of a jurisdiction’s diversion program implementation. For each Report Year, it displays the number of programs in place, as well as the number that were added, dropped, or planned for the future.
Jurisdiction Diversion Program History A report displaying a history of detailed information on the status of all waste diversion programs by jurisdiction and year that are planned, operating, or dropped. This information is reported to CalRecycle by the individual jurisdiction.
Jurisdiction Diversion/Disposal Rate Summary A report displaying a history waste diversion rate percentages for a selected jurisdiction. Data is available for 1995 through 2006.
Jurisdiction Diversion Program Summary A report displaying a history of annual per capita disposal rates for a selected jurisdiction. Data is available for 2007 to the present.
Diversion Rate Measurement Calculation Worksheet A worksheet that allows a jurisdiction to calculate their target waste diversion rate using the same methods as CalRecycle.
CalRecycle Default Diversion Rate Adjustment Factors Reports displaying adjustment factors that impact diversion rates, as determined by CalRecycle, for a selected jurisdiction. Results are displayed by jurisdiction, county, and California statewide to help jurisdictions determine their waste diversion rates.
Occurrence of Operating Diversion Programs A report displaying the number of jurisdictions statewide which implemented programs in any selected program category.
Program Counts by Status, Year, and Jurisdiction A report displaying the total count of programs for a jurisdiction for a selected year. The report can be filtered by county, jurisdiction, component, program, report year and implementation status.
Diversion Program Detail Summary A report displaying a summary of the diversion program details a jurisdiction has selected for a year broken down by program and specific category. The report can be filtered by jurisdiction, program and report year.
Diversion Program Detail Counts By Year A report displaying the number of jurisdictions implementing a specific diversion program detail for a program for a report year. The program detail counts are categorized by the diversion program, diversion program detail category and the program detail. The list of jurisdictions operating a specific diversion program detail can also be displayed by selecting the program detail record.
Mandatory Commercial Recycling (MCR) A report displaying the commercial waste recycling programs implemented by local governments. This includes education, outreach and monitoring of regulated/covered businesses for a selected year.
Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling (MORe) A report displaying the commercial organics waste recycling programs implemented by local governments. This includes education, outreach and monitoring of regulated/covered businesses for a selected year.
Transported Solid Waste Map A customizable map that tracks the amount of waste sent to permitted landfills, as reported to CalRecycle by California counties.
Disposal, Transformation, Import, Export and ADC table + graph A report and graphical representation of statewide solid waste disposal information reported to CalRecycle by California counties. This includes the reporting year and as the disposal material's end use (landfilled, transformed in state, exported, imported, ADC1, etc).
Export and Import Graph A graphical representation of solid waste tonnage imported into California and exported out of California, as reported to CalRecycle by local governments. The data is also displayed in tabular form.
Disposal Export by County A report displaying a history of waste tons exported out of state for all counties. This report also displays the destination facility, state and county.
ADC Tons by Material Type A report displaying a history of ADC1 tonnage amounts reported to CalRecycle by California counties.
ADC by Material Type Percentages A report displaying a history of ADC1 tonnage percentages reported to CalRecycle by California counties.
AIC Tons by Material Type A report displaying a history of AIC2 tonnage amounts reported to CalRecycle by California counties. Reporting of Alternative Intermediate Cover use by facilities which began in 2006.
Beneficial Reuse by Material Type A report displaying a history of Beneficial Reuse tonnage amounts reported to CalRecycle by California counties. Beneficial Reuse is CalRecycle approved materials used at the landfill for purposes other than cover.
Multi-year Countywide Origin Summary A report displaying a history of waste tons disposed in stated and exported out of state by jurisdiction of origin for a selected county.
Single-year Countywide Origin Detail A report displaying waste tons disposed in state and tons exported out of state by jurisdiction of origin for a selected county.
Quarterly Export Tons by County and Jurisdiction A report displaying a history of waste tons exported out of state by jurisdiction of origin for a selected county.
ADC by Jurisdiction of Origin and Material Type A report displaying ADC1 by jurisdiction of origin and material type for a selected county and year.
Facility Summary of Waste Disposal by Jurisdiction of Origin A report displaying a history of ADC1 totals by jurisdiction of origin for a selected disposal facility, or a history of waste disposal totals by jurisdiction of origin for a selected disposal facility.
Facility ADC Summary A report displaying a history of ADC1 totals by jurisdiction of origin for a selected disposal facility.
Rural County Disposal A report displaying a list of rural counties, as determined by CalRecycle, and the disposal tonnage for a selected year.
Multi-year Countywide Destination Summary A report displaying how much waste was produced within the boundaries of an individual city, or within all of the cities comprising a county or a CalRecycle-approved regional agency. This report shows totals for all years.
Single-year Countywide Destination Detail A report displaying how much waste was produced within the boundaries of an individual city, or within all of the cities comprising a county or a CalRecycle-approved regional agency. This report shows individual jurisdiction tonnages.
Countywide Disposal Destination A report displaying how much waste was disposed at a particular facility, or at all of the facilities within a county or a CalRecycle-approved regional agency.
Jurisdiction Disposal and Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) Tons by Facility A report that provides annual estimates of the disposal amounts for jurisdictions in California as reported by county and regional agency disposal reporting coordinators. The report shows the total amounts disposed and used as ADC1 by the jurisdiction at each disposal facility for a requested year.
Alternative Cover (ADC/AIC) Tons by Facility and Material Type A report displaying ADC1 and AIC2 materials used by disposal facilities within a selected county for a selected year
1ADC = Alternative Daily Cover: CalRecycle-approved materials other than soil used as a temporary overlay on an exposed landfill face.
2AIC = Alternative Intermediate Cover: CalRecycle-approved materials other than soil used at a landfill on all surfaces of the fill where no additional solid waste will be deposited within 180 days.